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Uploader Amorales,
Tags 3D Animated Lara_Croft Source_Filmmaker Tomb_Raider colonelyobo
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mikedawson: not porn.
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Sago: @mikedawson: Oh, shut up.
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Anonymous1: what is this. foot fetish. are you quentin tarantino
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ColonelYobo: @mikedawson: My donger seems to disagree ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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ColonelYobo: @ZyklonB: Vaginas? What are you, gay?
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Leety99: Sm'eels good man.jpg
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Anonymous2: this is not porn
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Colson_14: A vagina on a woman isn't necessarily porn, either. Stop commenting on shit you don't like.
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Throwaway420: Oh my god. All my yes.
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Anonymous3: I must say that the animation looks great but the amount of effort the author put into it could be used for building world peace.

Colson_14: What about a vagina on a man?
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goiat54: @ZyklonB: can't you just shut up and watch something else?
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ColonelYobo: @Anonymous: World peace is so overrated
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goiat54: bytheway nice work dude keep it up
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The_Warden: Keep up the good work
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Anonymous4: Like many other's have pointed out, this isn't even porn.
Take your foot garbage someplace else.
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ColonelYobo: @Anonymous: Glad you like it <3
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Anonymous5: Super hawt!
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Superfluous369: @Anonymous: Take your opinion garbage someplace else. Nobody really gives a shit what your opinion is, and some of you comment like you're actually going to make a difference, like the guy will go, "Oh, goodness, so sorry, I'll leave now because you said so!"

Every second you spend commenting on stuff you don't like instead of finding something you can fap to shows you up as a moron...remember, YOU'RE LOOKING FOR PORN, so if this isn't it and you spend time on it, you're an idiot.
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Superfluous369: @ZyklonB: Well hey, according to Arnold, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, so...

I guess you have a mental illness. Shame about that, and you had so much promise.
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doodlebop: Love it
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JuiceSFM: 11/10
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Amorales: This might not be porn for you, but it is for me.

You're commenting on something you don't like on a r34 website that has 2784 pages worth of content; that's how retarded you are.
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Marquez19: Moar pls 100/10
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Anonymous6: Moar
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Quacker: Fucking amazing
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erenjager: I don't understand why people have foot fetishes it is pretty gross.
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ColonelYobo: @erenjager: I could say the same for a lot of things, like bukkake, I personally think it's pretty gross and don't find it attractive, but I don't feel the need to post my shitty and irrelevant opinions on other peoples works.
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Anonymous7: @ColonelYobo: And what I don't get is posting your shitty irrelevant fetishes where they don't belong.
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ColonelYobo: @Anonymous: Aww, thanks man <3
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erenjager: That is what the comment section is for. But i see someone is butthurt.
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testorr: k this is disgusting
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Anonymous8: @testorr: It's a pair of feet. How is it disgusting? I get not everyone sees a sexual appeal to them, but disgusting? Come the fuck on.
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: This
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Anonymous10: not my thing, but it's very well animated, great job! :)
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oYlihan: Foot fetish isn't gross, but I think I wouldn't like the touch of it because feet are usually cold.
Reminds me, it is however my thing, to move around my feet around like that near a warm fireplace. xD
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testorr: @Anonymous: disgusting using ONLY FEET to sexual appealing, this is fucking shit
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bottomlessrequired: well i love legs, so when i get to see where they end (and bare), i'm happy!

and i love when nails are painted, so when i see that they are, i'm happier! :b

do what u love colonel!