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Anonymous1: I don't get it. Why do people still insist on using the Kitana head from Mortal Kombat X (good), but along with the terrible-ass bimbo body from Mortal Kombat 9? (obviously bad). All the women in MK9 had boring pornstar bodies. MKX actually gave each women unique and normal proportions and they were still hot.
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: nope, they were not hot at all.
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: the MKX developers were so afraid of SJW's backlash that they gave the female characters bland and boring costumes (jaqui, sonya) and flat, pancake asses (mileena, sonya) out of fear of being called misogynists on twitter, what a bunch of cowards.
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Because pornstar bodies fit better in, you know, porn? Also, maybe MKX bodies are not available? Maybe you could help out and port them?

Deat Atel, nice animation, exceot boobs should be out of phase with pelvis. Cheers!
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: Fuck me, I was referring to @Anonymous , but something stopped me.
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passdummy: Have you ever considered that pornstars look like pornstars do for a reason? It appeals to the target audience.

And I fully agree about the SJW thing in MKX. First Mortal Kombat in the entire history of Midway/NRS that I loathe for that reason. MK was built on offending smallminded people, not by catering to them.
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Anonymous6: SJW has nothing to do with this. People trying to strawman that term into an argument are equally retarded as SJWs themselves.

It's just an objective fact that MKX bodies have a better variety, whereas in MK9 every female character looks almost the same, apart from clothing and head. You could literally strip them all naked and just hack another head on top of them and wouldn't see the difference.

Seriously, *that* is your standard now? This must be the new low.
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous:
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: enough said, lol
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: He's not wrong though. NetherRealm Studios have received backlash on how the female characters looked and dressed in MK9. The way the female character look in MKX is the result of that. It's not a coincidence that they have more articles of clothing than they did in MK9. Look at Sonya Blade, even her unlockable MK9 outfit got changed so that her cleavage is covered.