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Tags 3D Animated Bioshock Bioshock_Infinite Elizabeth Rocketcat Source_Filmmaker
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Rating Unrated


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dj199: cuck
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BobCosby: Do you even know the definition of cuck?
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huuu: Cuckold: "the husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision" or "(of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife" If anything the black guy is getting 'cucked' in this scene.
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USAgent: @BobCosby: Of course they don't because they're trying to apply it to a stand alone animation that features a black model. It's just a meme.
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Anonymous1: @huuu: Why would the black man be the cuckold here? Elizabeth doesn't have any SOs.

@USAgent: Honestly, you can't blame them for mislabeling everything interracial as cuckolding when there are quite a few fans of both cuckolding and interracial who conflate them too.

There's also the more abstract idea that "cuck," can represent an accusation of "cultural cuckoldry," when someone throws themselves into the sexualization of their own self-inadequacy or inferiority complexes to the point it makes the literal definition of the term "cuckold," a moot point. The attitudes and behaviors are the same. The idea of also seems to tie directly into things unrelated to the bedroom, which is why detractors so easily make the comparison to progressives and people like them.

Personally speaking I'm not a proponent of that idea, but I do think that for some people it does have a kernel of truth, especially with the way interracial coupling is so fetishized and politicized while cuckolding is incorporated into it, both by people do and don't like those things.
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Anonymous2: This is what's referred to as a threesome. Where the fuck did you get cuck from?
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Anonymous3: If I made SFM porn, I'd include as many black dicks as possible just because people are so fucking triggered by it. Go back to /pol/ you fucking meme-spouting child.
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Did you dislocate your shoulder by reaching so hard to desperately make this out to be a false "zero sum game"? You're trying to justify lazy thinking, as well as clearly projectng your OWN feelings about the two themes. By blaming phantom outliers, and hiding behind "trying to give the POV" of venomous idiots like "dj199".

Passive-aggressive apologists who try to soften the blow of what the "clear-cut idiot side" is doing, by playing a very transparent and failed version of "The Devil's Advocate" are just as bad as the blatant "Duuur! Black = Ebil Cuck!" idiots who can't think.
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Anonymous5: I am surprised XIII and Revan are not here spouting their SJW white knighting nonsense.
and by the way this animation sucks
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: There's only one person using the cuck meme unironically here and that shitposting seems to trigger you as much as the people you're complaining about.

@Anonymous: Where did I imply any of this is a zero sum game? I happen to like interracial porn myself, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think the cuckolding fetish having become a major part of its appeal is something unfortunate.

That's the reason so many troglodytes lob the cuck meme at both cuckolding and interracial porn, because they've become tied in many places. You can deny it all you want, but the way mainstream interracial porn is often marketed, labeled, produced and consumed says differently. I wish it weren't so, but nobody gets what they wish for.

It's also very rich that you accuse me of playing into a zero sum game while constructing this false dichotomy around my opinion. You're pushing this idea that trying to understand why so many people use the words they do is aligning themselves with those same people. If you'd notice in my post you quoted I asked how this qualifies as cuckolding at all.

I don't like the knee-jerk reaction that has grown in opposition to the fetish anymore than the fetish itself, but trying to understand why it exists and explain why that sentiment acts the way it does is simply sympathizing to someone like you. You've constructed this wall of black-and-white false dichotomies to instantly write off any thinking that doesn't align with your own or the easily attacked opposition because you simply don't want to engage at all. You want some cheap racist troll to feel morally superior to, not someone you'd have to actually stop and challenge your own views with.

It's the same spiel whenever someone identifies a "Devil's Advocate." It's never a refutation of the position or an acknowledgement that sometimes the opposition might hold a glimmer of a point buried in their shit that even detractors can see; no, it's simply a blind attack on there being an advocate to begin with by equating it to abetting so instead of having to engage at all there's just another convenient enemy to attack.

You showed that with your last line by going full strawman despite the fact those ideas are not my own nor have I espoused them in any way but to say they might have reasons to exist beyond blatant racism and trolling (which I never argued isn't a lot of it anyway).

If you want nothing more than to engage with people like "dj199," because they represent easy conventional targets for your self-righteous attitude then be my guest, but don't equate me to them when I'm simultaneously attacking the same group while trying to get why they tick simply because a nuanced opinion and position inspires in you the same knee-jerk rage that trolls have for this content to begin with.
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XIII: user image
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Revan-: @Anonymous: hey what's up
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Yes, yes, yes, I'm sure you also have a "black best friend". Or some other "suddenly deployed protective shield". Since the sheer vast majority of mainstream interracial porn doesn't even include a spouse/partner in the scenes or titles, you're completely and laughably wrong. Unless you're somehow (through some demented logic) suddenly counting pornstars' spouses, then you'd be right. But that would make ALL porn cuckolding by default.

The rest of your post was just an overly wordy and posturing filled tangent. Where you hypocritically do the very thing you accused me of doing.
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Anonymous8: the man sid cuck because he is racist

why are you guys making so many excuses for him

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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: See, if you actually argued with the points I made instead of relying on strawmen to do the heavy lifting you'd have a point.

You're not even attacking things I said. You're falling back on tired old arguments that allow you to push away while maintaining your own superiority complex. That's why you're putting words in my mouth. I don't understand why you think it's impossible someone could like interracial porn while still being critical of a lot of themes that pop up in it.

It's pretty obvious you're not paying any attention to what I'm saying, because the argument above that you accused me of playing devil's advocate for is in part based off a trend that has nothing to do with personal relationships. Regardless of my stance on that issue, it's more than clear you're not here for any good faith. You're attacking me for pointing to an argument that might explain why someone acts the way they do while being simultaneously both critical and judgmental of it.

And that's the crux of the issue. You can't stand someone having a nuanced position on this anymore than you can fathom the idea of someone liking interracial having said position. That's why you're pulling the "black best friend," shit, so you have an excuse to ignore the point.

Here's a tip for life. Argue the points people make, not the easily discarded strawmen you want them to or think they are despite their nonexistence. The world has enough people going off on half-cocked assumptions.

And please, you have no right to lecture anyone about being a hypocrite after that spiel concerning "lazy thinking," being followed by a line of strawmen and empty presumptions.

@Anonymous: Please point to where I was making excuses for him.

Was it where I asked him how this constitutes cuckolding?

Was it where I mentioned a popular argument that I don't actually personally subscribe to to provide a clearer picture of the mentality behind it beyond "it's just a meme," and simplistic thinking?
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: Instead of being so intent on typing out another novel of laughable condescension, you wouldn't have missed where I did in fact, argue against what you've said. I did it in my previous post. But instead of addressing that, you opted (in long-winded fashion) to not play the victim, like I'm totally off base.

Here's a tip for life. Just because you type a lot, that doesn't mean you're actually saying anything of substance. The world has enough self-victimizing people on the internet who aren't as half as smart as they try to present themselves as being. You'd do well to not only learn that, and actually apply that knowledge for yourself in the future.

Now let's see another novel from you.
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: Oh that sentence should read:

" opted (in long-winded fashion) not to, and instead chose to play the victim...etc...etc."
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asdfasdf: dj199 hadn't the faintest idea... that at the mere mention of the word 'cuck', he would spawn an essay in the comments section.
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Anonymous12: A series of essays from some self-important idiot, who is hell-bent on proving that he's the smartest person in the room. On a porn site. A cartoon porn site!

Guess he has to pic "easy" targets, because he's laughed out of real debate forums. Which is quite common on the internet. Gotta make up lost ground, bro! LOL!
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Anonymous13: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: Oh spare they hypocritical bullshit already.

Condescension? You've shown that from the word go when you started swinging blindly at someone doing more than just shitposting.

Self-important? Proving intelligence? Picking easy targets? How are your posts any different here?

You've done nothing but misconstrue from the first post when you attributed to my post things I never said while completely ignoring any of the points to validate your own assumptions and attack strawmen. You have absolutely no legs to stand on when it comes to "picking easy targets," or being "laughed out of real debate forums." The shit you've lobbed would be shown the door from the beginning, especially your blind swinging at the very idea of a devil's advocate for something you quite clearly personally abhor to the point you've labeled anyone with a nuanced opinion "justifying lazy thinking," for looking for motive beyond "just a meme." If anyone's justifying lazy thinking here, it's not me friend.

Then again this silly, hypocritical sense of self-righteousness is expected so I'm not surprised that you're trying to act above the cesspool of where we are while simultaneously engaging in it. God forbid the comments around here be anything more than "Cuck!" and "Racist!" right?

Here's another tip for you: Attacking the length of someone's post doesn't make your words, ideas or arguments anymore correct. It's the realm of the intellectually stunted who rely on grandiose versions of 'TL;DR' and smacks of the same kind of irrelevant point scoring that correcting petty typos consists of.

The world also has quite enough false dichotomy peddling anti-intellectual hypocrites who think they're above the shit and mud while they gleefully toss both about.

@asdfasdf: Again, God forbid there be anything but shitposting around here.
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Anonymous14: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: I feel it's worth it to sum up the situation here.

dj199 opened this lovely comment section with the ever predictable "cuck," and was met with responses you'd expect of such.
I myself asked him why and how this constitutes cuckoldry, as I don't personally see it as an example.
I also added a contention to USAgent's summary of the "cuck," calling existing beyond just a meme or standard internet contrarianism. I feel both of those approaches are more then accounted for and wanted to share my observations with those who treat the trend more seriously.
That argument posits that the accusation of cuckoldry can exist beyond the literal definition to an abstract, societal level given the trends among both fans and detractors of interracial porn and the cuckoldry fetish to conflate the two in many ways. I specifically mentioned that I do not adhere to this idea, but that like most runaway stereotypes it contains a small sliver of a point to be made wherein interracial porn has enough of a fanbase built up that overlaps with the cuckolding fetish, where internalized inferiority and inadequacy becomes sexualized and fetishized.
Even though I'm a fan of interracial porn myself and though I don't think "cultural cuckoldry," is an idea with much, if any, merit, I can see the point that would have spawned such thinking. One of my favorite producers of interracial in fact, Blacked, plays into that dynamic by its very name. "Blacked," is a term used often to refer to a non-black woman having been with a black man with connotations of said sex changing her sexual status irrecovably. It plays right into both the "once you go black," and the "too bad she fucks..." cliches.
So despite my personal disagreement with dj199 voiced in my questioning his use of cuck, my own liking for interracial and my stated objection to the "cultural cuck," argument you decided to hit the ground running by flat out accusing me of being a soft sided version of the argument I attacked simply because I was providing USAgent with context as to why someone would come to that line of thinking.
You opened with assumptions and strawmen, that I was doing nothing but (paradoxically) validating lazy thinking by adding context and nuance to an argument that has had more than its fair share of absolutes. And when I had a problem with this you decided to double down and lob even more false assumptions. You came in completely misrepresenting in a combative attitude while torching strawmen and then you had the gall to act as if you were the one acting in good faith all along while taking petty issue with post length and the platform, two utterly irrelevant things to the points at hand while brilliantly and hilariously concluding that I am the one who'd be shunned from proper debate fora. No my friend, I believe you have that point backwards.
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous: I feel it's worth it to sum up the situation here.

dj199 opened this lovely comment section with the ever predictable "cuck," and was met with responses you'd expect of such.

I myself asked him why and how this constitutes cuckoldry, as I don't personally see it as an example.

I also added a contention to USAgent's summary of the "cuck," calling existing beyond just a meme or standard internet contrarianism. I feel both of those approaches are more then accounted for and wanted to share my observations with those who treat the trend more seriously.

That argument posits that the accusation of cuckoldry can exist beyond the literal definition to an abstract, societal level given the trends among both fans and detractors of interracial porn and the cuckoldry fetish to conflate the two in many ways. I specifically mentioned that I do not adhere to this idea, but that like most runaway stereotypes it contains a small sliver of a point to be made wherein interracial porn has enough of a fanbase built up that overlaps with the cuckolding fetish, where internalized inferiority and inadequacy becomes sexualized and fetishized.

Even though I'm a fan of interracial porn myself and though I don't think "cultural cuckoldry," is an idea with much, if any, merit, I can see the point that would have spawned such thinking. One of my favorite producers of interracial in fact, Blacked, plays into that dynamic by its very name. "Blacked," is a term used often to refer to a non-black woman having been with a black man with connotations of said sex changing her sexual status irrecovably. It plays right into both the "once you go black," and the "too bad she fucks..." cliches.

So despite my personal disagreement with dj199 voiced in my questioning his use of cuck, my own liking for interracial and my stated objection to the "cultural cuck," argument you decided to hit the ground running by flat out accusing me of being a soft sided version of the argument I attacked simply because I was providing USAgent with context as to why someone would come to that line of thinking.

You opened with assumptions and strawmen, that I was doing nothing but (paradoxically) validating lazy thinking by adding context and nuance to an argument that has had more than its fair share of absolutes. And when I had a problem with this you decided to double down and lob even more false assumptions. You came in completely misrepresenting in a combative attitude while torching strawmen and then you had the gall to act as if you were the one acting in good faith all along while taking petty issue with post length and the platform, two utterly irrelevant things to the points at hand while brilliantly and hilariously concluding that I am the one who'd be shunned from proper debate fora. No my friend, I believe you have that point backwards.

*Edited for formatting... Hope it's not too much :^)
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Anonymous16: Damn....this social retard just keeps typing out essays, doesn't he? It's a porn site, you fucking "Try-Hard Pseudo-Intellectual"! Save the long winded crap for your college thesis. Or your manifesto.

And before you accuse another person of it, this has nothing to do with "me wanting to wanting to see some TL;DR crap". It has to do with having an insecure fucking idiot filling up a pornsite's comments section with walls of text, for his own sense of ego. Go get some actual offline social interaction. Or at least a personal blog, like a "normal" shut-in does.
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Anonymous17: Well it's cool for me because right after I fap I read these as a cool down, and it feels good.
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Anonymous18: @Anonymous: This comment essentially means: "Stop making me feel stupid guys!!!"
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Anonymous19: @Anonymous: I think it means that "You don't have to try so hard to convince us that you're at best moderately intelligent."
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Anonymous20: @Anonymous: I fail to see how articulating an opinion with a couple of paragraphs makes a "Try-Hard Pseudo-Intellectual." It's starting to look more and more like my last point concerning your original jab of "proper debate fora," was right on the mark. You're doing nothing but throwing personal attacks while again complaining about irrelevant post length. I'm starting to think the whole "laughed out of real debate forums," was nothing but projection on your part.

Take a moment to reflect here. You're essentially declaring me a self-centered, egotistical shut-in with no social life and a penchant for conjuring what you refer to as "manifestos," because I simply take the time to clarify my thoughts and positions.

Your insults aren't even really that consistent, because if I were all those things you say I am, then continuing this exchange is a waste of your time is it not? You said it yourself; this is a repository site for Rule34 themed porn and you believe me to be a verbose basement dweller so by your own metric this argument shouldn't be worth the effort. Unless of course you happen to also be those things. You call me insecure and yet you persist knowing I am going to go to length to argue with you. If you were so secure of your position, as your accusation of my insecurity would seem to imply, then why trudge on with this glorified "TL;DR" critique?

Does a break in the usual monotony and flippant shitposting of this site bother you that badly? Does someone trying to analyze behavior beyond identifying it as a target for petty insults rustle your jimmies that badly that you come out swinging from the word go?

@Anonymous: Again, I'm not sure a series of short paragraphs constitutes the behavior you think it does. Anon 18 is also a different person, just for clarification.
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huuu: I can't even be bothered reading all of this... what did I cause? ;_;
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XIII: user image
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Anonymous21: @XIII: Did you actually read the comments or did you just decide to keep spamming?

@huuu: An honest discussion?
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Anonymous22: @XIII: you are so lame, that picture doesn't even have anything to do with it.
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XIII: Give me one good reason why I should read an entire novel about stupid shit about pixels on a porn site.
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Anonymous23: @XIII: Don't you realize that all the anons here are different people?
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Greywolf: I've noticed that, be it a game or an argument, there is only one time when someone calls their opponent a "Try-hard".

When they are /losing/.

Game, set, and match it seems.
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XIII: @Anonymous: You've mistaken me for someone that thinks it's legitimately intelligent to argue on a porn site.
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Anonymous24: This is pure shit *vomits*
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Anonymous25: @XIII: You're already partaking in said arguing so what could reading the actual posts hurt at this point? All you're doing here is defending your own ignorance.
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Anonymous26: @Anonymous: True
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Oh, you guys.
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BobCosby: Looking back at this, I didn't realize I had initiated a fucking debate on the use of the word cuck. Shit.