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USAgent: Ahahahahahaha Rapper's Delight. Now what you hear is not a test.
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Key: I have no problem with interracial, but I know a lot of people do. The thing is: maybe you shouldn't use the darkest skin tone possible. It does look kinda weird; but good animation as usual.
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USAgent: @Key: How does one part of your statement correlate to the other? "I have no problem with interracial but some people do so lighten up the dark tone." Is that supposed to appease the people that don't like IR content? Besides Leeterr is one of the artists that usually uploads two different versions to appease both crowds.
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Anonymous1: As long as these bigoted cunts continue to be offended, I say all black, all the time.
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Anonymous2: Also, any time someone starts a statement with something along the lines of "I'm fine with X, but...", it's a pretty obvious tip-off.
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Revan-: @ZyklonB: meme
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Rapetacular: lol different shades wouldve made it a little better xD
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m41rapture: user image
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oYlihan: God dammit m41rapture, way must thou make me laugh at every gif.
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m41rapture: @oYlihan: Its like a 3rd job to me, to try and make you guys laugh.
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bobbs4: @m41rapture: Ahh

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Anonymous3: @ZyklonB: Well said
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: cocksucker
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Anonymous5: @ZyklonB: I Agree with you, but remember you are talking to sjws, they are too stupid to understand, they prefer to cowardly stay in their "safe spaces" than face the uncomfortable truth.
Once they'll leave their mom's basement where are on the internet 24/7 and get a taste of what the real world is like (there's a 0,001% chance to happen though), probably they'll finally question the SJW dogma.
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Revan-: @Anonymous: meme
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Anonymous6: if you get fucked in your ass by your own father, just reply with "meme" "meme post" "keep the meme alive", or any other variant.
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: lol i see what you did there

i dont feel like logging in

man, you are a master ruseman i almost only replied with meme
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Anonymous8: @Revan-: Revan being a cocksucker as always, i bet just like XIII you weren't serious about it, you were just kidding and we all fell for it, right? smh
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: glad to see you have some sense of humor at least, it may be your only redeeming quality.
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: i really dont give a fuck anymore tbh

say whatever the fuck you want i guess

i only started replying cause i got annoyed with it

@Anonymous: thanks buddy that means a lot
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: That's not going to do anything but piss off people who don't mind interracial but don't want a "flip the script," contrarian situation. It also shows you're not making interracial stuff because you like it or want to, but to be a troll gunning for a response which ironically would be completely validating what a lot of the haters call it.

Can someone explain to me why so many react to bullshit by doubling down and engaging in behavior that proves their enemies right?

"That atheist called me a religious terrorist, time to attack them!"

"That white bitch is a racist, time to rape her!"

"That black dude thinks I'm a racist, time to shout slurs!"
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Skorpio: I got no problem with black guys in animations but dem dicks look like dark chocolate.
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Froggy: Do all of you realise there are variants of this animation.
As in black version and white version.
As in you can watch the one you want.

Seriously lads. Fucking christ.
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MumboJumbo: @Anonymous: hang you
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USAgent: @Froggy: They're going to continue to sling shit regardless. One can clearly see IR content from the thumbnail yet the usual suspects crop up to shit sling those that don't mind IR content. Yet these are the same people suspiciously absent when a black female model is paired with a white model. Like, favorite, fap, save and move on. There's no reasoning with people that get engaged over pixels.
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Anonymous12: The only guy who is samefagging here is ZyklonB.
90% of the anons was himself.
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Anonymous13: @Froggy: Why are you saying it like everyone commenting here dislikes this one? The activity here has as much to do with other commenters, both fans and haters.

I think you should also realize that people complaining about the usual trolls makes a bigger target than the content itself. They're here to argue with you, so going martyr complex like Anon 1/2 did is just going to fan the shit-burning flames.

I don't like the whiny bitches either, but you have to admit that getting up on a soapbox to attack them before they even show up is blatantly inciting things and just gives them less incentive to drive by and every reason to camp here and argue. You'd think people would understand how internet contrarianism works by now.
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XIII: user image
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Anonymous14: @XIII: This meta meme doesn't make sense.
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous: How do you know that idiot was same-fagging? Is there some actual means to tell?

(Not trolling, actually asking.)
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Anonymous16: @Anonymous: this XIII idiot keeps saying "meme" or using pseudo meme images every time someone hurts his fragile feelings saying something he doesn't like, just ignore him.
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Anonymous17: @MumboJumbo: Well said!
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XIII: Hehe.
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Anonymous18: @XIII: Lame, 2/10 for trying.
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XIII: > trying <

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hardyasdfY: why are these guys dicks purple? okay
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mybash: user image
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Anonymous19: Here is the thing, if you are a white dude and you like seeing a white chick suck white dick you can use your imagination and think it is your dick, you can't do that if it is a black dick.

You white people that like interracial need to realize you are actually closet faggots. If you weren't then you wouldn't like looking at black dicks, and don't tell me you don't look at the dick or watch interracial because of the black dick because it is hard to not notice something that dark around something that white. So stop arguing with yourself and admit you are a closet black cocksucking faggot.

I am not telling you this to troll you faggots, I am telling you this to help you come to terms with your sexual identity. You are a faggot big if you are white and like interracial. Big fucking deal. Can we stop arguing now?
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Anonymous20: @Anonymous: That logic does not compute anon, especially since you're implying anybody who watches porn with people of their sex but another ethnicity/phenotype are gay.

I mean yeah, there's something to be said about how often interracial porn can end up becoming unadulterated BBC worship that makes the dick the star of the show over the actual people, but you're not really making sense here.
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Anonymous21: @Anonymous: The logic is there. Beta male cucks who like watching black men fuck white woman are closet faggots. You prove my point by pointing out it often leads to BBC worship. Only a faggot would worship a dick, regardless of the color.
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Anonymous22: @Anonymous: It's also possible you're getting stuck at the colour of the penis and that others do not.
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NigNogs: I've got zero problems with black dicks or white dicks or what the fuck ever dicks, but you could at least put a little variation in it. Instead of having 3 identical super pale dicks or 3 identical dicks that look like they've just been colored dark brown with the fill tool, just mix it up a bit