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vexenz: agreed i would love to see this with R. Mika
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Dakushna: @AdamKovic: it's useless to ask, the black borgs want to assimilate normal people
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MumboJumbo: NO
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USAgent: C'mon, man. Tag your shit right.

@AdamKovic: There is a white alt.
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Anonymous1: @AdamKovic:

Wrong rule 34 site Adam. Get back to Demo Disk.
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Bubsy: @Anonymous: troll
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Sombrero: white where
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Anonymous2: @Dakushna: True, that's where the problem is:
assimilation = genocide
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Revan-: @Anonymous: white people arent going anywhere


i know you're trying to do the usual "anything interracial is bad" shtick but

come on, man
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Anonymous3: @Revan-: Why don't you make a little search about the "protocol of zion"? or "Kalergi's plan"?
I am sure it will clear your mind.
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Revan-: @Anonymous: it's literal propaganda, im not gonna read it

im pretty sure that book "answers" this but how is interracial porn going to equal the extinction of white people
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Anonymous4: @Revan-: Yes, sure, THAT is propaganda, not the dominant narrative we see everyday on TV, i get it, you are one of those people who believe every crap that comes from TV and doesn't believe in anything that DOESN'T come from the "official source" (TV).
We are not talking about UFOs, the Bigfoot, the Lochness monster or crap like that, people said the same thing regarding the "Project Prism":
"yes sure the NSA is going to spy everyone, don't make me laugh" "you guys are conspiracy theorists" blah blah blah until it came out officially only because a NSA employee (who is currently political refugee in Europe) spoke out about it.
At this point it's your fault, you don't want to inform yourself because "reading is boring" so it's easier to just be completely apathetic and refuse anything that isn't "officially approved", keep drinking the kool aid.
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Anonymous5: @Revan-: "it's literal propaganda" and he even admits he even didn't read it, GO IGNORANCE!!!
also if you don't think that the medias are politically controlled and corrupt, you must be really naive (to say the least)
If you don't want to inform yourself because apparently to you, thinking on your own is tiresome fine, but then don't engage in discussions like this because your ignorance is showing and you are making a fool out of yourself.
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Revan-: @Anonymous: " if you don't think that the medias are politically controlled and corrupt, you must be really naive"

at what part in my comment did i even come close to saying anything like this

dude, you are really implying a lot about me from a two sentence comment

@Anonymous: what kool-aid

man, come on, be real with me right now

no bullshit, no name calling

be upfront, why do you constantly post about shit like that

your friend below you can add something if he wants to
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Anonymous6: @Revan-: I am implying that because you are refusing to hear (or read, research in this case) the other side, you are basically covering your ears shouting "racist! racist!" instead of thinking for a little bit.
Drinking the kool-aid means swallowing whatever medias and politicians force down your throat without questioning it, never.
I was just like you, "racism here, racism there", until i stopped watching TV and doing some research by myself, because it was clear to me that there was something fishy about it, media and politicians are controlled by lobbies and mafia and constantly lying to us.
Hope you are not going to tell me that mafia doesn't exist as well.
I gave you some tips for a quick research but since you refuse to watch outside your "safe zone bubble" it's useless.
I have no friends on this site, but i think that's true, how can you engage in a discussion like this if you refuse to hear both arguments?