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Tags 3D Animated Beowulf1117 Dead_or_Alive Momiji Ninja_Gaiden Qwert SFMoneyshot SnipSFM Sound Source_Filmmaker Studiofow Vsmnd Yagskie
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Rating Unrated


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Housemaster: Beats me, maybe it's just the scenarios, cause the makers by themselves can certainly make some good quality stuff for the most part, y'know?
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Anonymous1: This movie sucked less than bioshag but it's still terrible considering how long it took for them to make it.
At least they didn't use one of their shitty voice actresses
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USAgent: Bioshag was GOAT. While I didn't think Kunoichi needed revisiting I'm glad they've done it and I'm even more happy by the fact that they can get to working on the next project which is hopefully Witcher.

And if it isn't then it's one more step closer to the Witcher and I'll likely fap to whatever it is.
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Anonymous2: It wasn't as good as the first one, this is probably their worst work, it wasn't a movie, it was a clusterfuck
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Anonymous3: @ZyklonB: @Housemaster: I agree, i think this one lacked the intensity the first one had, also it didn't helped how Momiji was broken since the first scene instead of being more of a "progression".
They improved on some other aspects like the cumshots for instance, makes me wonder how Kunoichi 3 will turn out.
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Anonymous4: @shitrus: What do you mean with copying japs?
honest question
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Anonymous5: @USAgent: The next movie is "Nightmare: code valentine" set in the Resident Evil universe, starring Jill Valentine
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Anonymous6: @Housemaster: the scenarios sucked, probably the worst thing about the movie, along with the storytelling perhaps
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FoxyBox: I don't see where all the complaints were coming from. It's hot, and it's free. You want goddamned Davinci here? Geez.
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Anonymous7: @FoxyBox: They get paid 10k$ a month for their shit, also they act like complete dicks towards other animators as well.
So fuck them and their 12yo meme lords trolly attitude.
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: LOL
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: LOL that's because you're a fan of LordCuckvark. The only idiots that are mad about this movie are his 'fans'.

StudioFOW has been nothing but class, especially when dealing with all the retards that spam their inbox with stupid comments. I applaud them for not blowing up at anyone yet. Jesus, look at the comments above. LOL

Long live free porn and StudioFow.
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ecasas: ugh at people wanting a story in a fucking porn movie.
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rule34anon: I appreciate the work they put into it, but this just felt like 99% of the hentai out there. Tired of the typical, broken female 'kimochiii' bullcrap. Give us some hardcore, impactful stuff.
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Anonymous10: Fucking sucked and was utter shit just like the first one. Personally I just hated seeing Kasumi get " broken " for one it would never happen she is incorruptible like Hayabusa 2 it was just disgusting I want to see Kasumi having sex or even making love not being a living toilet.
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: No, it's not just him they are total asshats against. They treat anyone who isn't interested in working with them like shit. The movie are cuts badly, the animation is all over the place and there's no coherent narrative. They always cut corners and hope that people won't notice or demand better quality for their donation money. If you don't believe me, slow down their video Bachelor Party Omega to frame-by-frame. It's fucking hysterical.
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Anonymous12: @Housemaster: I like how you retards act like their is this objective scenario that is perfect for everyone. Their thousand of followers on patron say otherwise. studiofow doesnt care about some 15 yearolds that wine on random imagebord.