Colonel_Mael_Radec: I always thought this body didn't fit Louis. From the moment it came out on DigitalEro, I thought, "That looks ridiculous. He works in an office. Even with the zombie apocalypse, there's no reason for him to be that ripped."
Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Yeah yeah, I know it's one of those silly go to things when it comes to internet arguments, but actually stop and look at Anon2. The comments leading up to his were clearly upset, but you could say the same in spades for his own, hence the projection label.
I've started noticing that a lot lately. People who complain about others being butthurt seem to do it often and loudly betraying they are quite assmad themselves.
@Anonymous: Honestly, you look the maddest one here. Ease up the projection a bit.
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I've started noticing that a lot lately. People who complain about others being butthurt seem to do it often and loudly betraying they are quite assmad themselves.
Now you've come to fuck me ha-ha-ha!
That's moronic. Get off your high horse already.