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eucaliptus: a buffoon like him doesnt deserve a woman like her
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Bloodsun: @eucaliptus: Indeed.
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Anonymous1: @eucaliptus: @Bloodsun: lol whities hating on blaks cuz whitie gerls craving for BBC!
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Anonymous2: To be honest ever since he saved her in DoA 4 i'm seriously not surprised to see these two together.
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Anonymous3: Vanilla chocolate mix so good! now, if only there's a Marie Rose version too (─‿‿─)
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Violater: WIN!
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Anonymous4: @ZyklonB: Come on, you can do better than that. You should try harder to convince strangers on a porn website that you hate blacks.
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Anonymous5: Blacks are the alpha males of this world.
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Bubsy: One Word: Fail
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MumboJumbo: NO
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: Beware, this is the same asshole, he posts shit like that because of his inferiority complex towards white people.
yes, that's how sad it is.
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Good conspiracy theory. Now please show us how each anon has the same IP address, as proof. Otherwise this is just "feel good nonsense" on your part.
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: nobody has to "feel good" about it, feel good about what? some jackass on this website!? LMAO
Now please show us how those anons DON'T share the same IP address as proof, then we'll talk about it.
Who i am kidding, you are probably the same guy.
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: You made the initial claim, moron. YOU back it up. That's how "the burden of proof" works. You learn this in like...the 1st grade. Or in your case, the 4th grade. Since you're as slow as fuck.
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Anonymous10: why so emotional about it? you are demonstrating you are indeed the same no-life hence your butthurt.
that is not how it works you retard, because i don't owe you shit and both you and i know that the no-life moron is none other than yourself, so just quit this sad, ridiculous pantomime, because you are not fooling anyone here as many other users have noticed your stupidity.
Don't worry, unlike you i am not a parasite on welfare, you probably didn't pass even kindergarten you inbred retarded ape.
but c'mon entertain us with more "hurr durr white wimmenz BBC" "whitey are jelly durr" "vanilla+shit = best combination" followed of course, by retarded meaningless emoticons.
thanks for the good laugh though, you are such a failure lol
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Anonymous11: @ZyklonB: LMAO
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Anonymous12: @Anonymous: So much pathetic and pent up white angst. Makes me enjoy these pictures even more. Mostly because you faggots will rage at them, thinking that it'll do anything to stop them from popping up. In addition to being the most easily baited group of morons on the internet, in general. People don't even have to comment on white losers to make you all rage. You idiots just oust yourselves by derping all over these pics on your own.

Oh wait...I mean "You're just trolling bro! It's all trolling! Yer not srs!"

Right? Right?? LOL! Give me a fucking break.
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Anonymous13: @Anonymous: Is this dickhead serious?

"Every anon who disagrees with him is the same anon, because "He dun sayd so!"?

Hahaha! Too funny!
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Anonymous14: Whities are so racist, guess whose their next target... Muslims!
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erenjager: Why not just make an Oreo?
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Anonymous15: This site is a joke. If you see a black person in the thumbnail and it disgusts you so much just don't click on the fucking image. Bunch of bigoted cunts.
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Anonymous16: @Anonymous: I must correct myself. This site isn't a joke but a vast number of it's userbase are.
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Anonymous17: @Anonymous: There's nothing about this comment section that isn't retards arguing with retards.
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Anonymous18: I wish Secaz didn't do so much interracial and NTR.

It just doesn't do anything for me, which is a shame because his work is fantastic.
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Anonymous19: I don't have a problem with interracial pics but this "black males are the alpha males crap" or all white girls supposedly crave black guys nonsense, is there really any need for it?
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Anonymous20: Black men have the biggest dicks, the most sex appeal and most personality, thats why girls love them. No one wants a boring, unlikable fag with small dick. Thats just the way it is. White women will always be in love with bbc whether you like it or not
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Anonymous21: I'm glad I'm not as racist as people on the internet pretend to be. The fact that Zack is black didn't stop me fapping, and yet it was apparently enough to trigger a fucking debate about the nature of interracial intercourse, the status of black men in the world and the necessity of the burden of proof.

How often can you say that about Rule 34? On this site, it seems you can say it reasonably often, but that's not the point.
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Anonymous22: @Anonymous20 this is what betas don't understand. white chicks love black dudes because they usually funny/intersting on top of having big penises. White guys always cry when they see an image where black dude is fucking a white girl because it triggers their insecurities.
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Uncle-Sam77: @Anonymous: it's just one anon guy shitposting, ignore him
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Anonymous23: Delicious whiteboy tears. Delicious
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Anonymous24: So many obvious trolls in this thread the guy above me and no 20, 22 being some of the more obvious one's
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Monkeyman79: -1 for racist baiting
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Anonymous25: "Delicious whiteboy tears." pretty much sums up this whole website
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Anonymous26: @Anonymous: Remember guys, don't take the bait.
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rakim95: @Anonymous: I'm black and I think it's hilarious. These aren't even real women and everyone is crying lmao
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Greywolf: @rakim95: As another black man, I completely agree. The comments section are as much a source of entertainment as the damn porn.

I, simply, don't have enough popcorn for this shit..
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Anonymous27: It's always rich watching people complain about racism and then immediately do or say something blatantly racist.
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BUTTHURToverBBC: I am BUTTHURT about black guy fucking Helena. I am even more BUTTHURT that this happens in real life. Gorgeous white women always love big black cock because they can actually bring them to orgasm, unlike small white penis. My small penis makes me BUTTHURT. That's why I hate black people
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Anonymous28: @BUTTHURToverBBC: if you like black cock so much why don't you go and suck one you faggot? perhaps you already did lol
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Anonymous29: @Uncle-Sam77: THIS, listen to UNCLE-SAM77 and ignore this loser, he's just craving attention because his mama didn't gave him enough hugs when he was little.
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Anonymous30: anon why are you mad?
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Anonymous31: @Anonymous: You're going to necro an argument already more than two months old to spam a bunch of links and you're accusing others of being mad? Fuck dude, that's salty.
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PragueBob: the anon samefag is back to spew shit
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ghost_terror: @Anonymous: LOL
Helena sure know how to have some FUN!!! :)
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Anonymous32: Most whites are talking about how this guy is just a buffoon. you know, like HE IS IN THE GAME?!

Then blacks come along and make this about race. Proceeding to say that its white's fualt.

It's fucking clear to anyone who the racist bunch are out of the two.

Get your Big black cocks out of your own asses dipshits.
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Greywolf: @Anonymous: So, ya...about that statement of yours...

:::rakim95: @Anonymous25: I'm black and I think it's hilarious. These aren't even real women and everyone is crying lmao

Greywolf: @rakim95: As another black man, I completely agree. The comments section are as much a source of entertainment as the damn porn.

I, simply, don't have enough popcorn for this shit..:::

Right, so the only two persons that have openly identified as black has /only/ expressed amusement over posts like your own. The rest and the "Anons" are just that. /Anonymous/. Maybe black. Maybe white. Maybe pacific islander, for all we know. Get who's dicks out of what butts, now?

*Drops mike. reacquires popcorn*
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Greywolf: @Anonymous: So, ya...about that statement of yours...

:::rakim95: @Anonymous25: I'm black and I think it's hilarious. These aren't even real women and everyone is crying lmao

Greywolf: @rakim95: As another black man, I completely agree. The comments section are as much a source of entertainment as the damn porn.

I, simply, don't have enough popcorn for this shit..:::

Right, so the only two persons that have openly identified as black have /only/ expressed amusement over posts /just/ like your own. The rest and the "Anons" are just that. /Anonymous/. Maybe black. Maybe white. Maybe pacific islander, for all we know.

Get who's dicks out of what butts, now?

*Drops mike. reacquires popcorn*
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Greywolf: @Greywolf: Apologies for the double post.
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Anonymous33: ZACKED