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Jonas: Is it me, or does this look more like a League of Legends character than Sylvanas? Bear in mind it's been a couple of years since I last played, but I remember her looking darker and less, well, League-pretty.
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mindomniscient: @Jonas: Model's face comes from HotS (that MOBA from Blizzard) - not WoW.
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millerlord: The middle finger :)
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Jonas: @Mindomniscient, that explains it; just saw the reference shots of her (Sylvanas) in Heroes of the Storm and realised the same. That said, she looks remarkably similar (facially) to DOTA's Drow Ranger. (I mistakenly attributed it to LOL earlier.)
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Anonymous1: and guess who drow ranger is based off of?
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Lordmal: And so the mantle of Warchief is passed down in the traditional ceremony.
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Jonas: @anon1, rule 63 Drizzt?
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mindomniscient: @Jonas: To me Drow Ranger looks more like a black woman than Sylvanas, but I agree on the similarities.
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JuiceSFM: @BigDog33: because google are a bunch of faggots and removed that for no reason

only works for webms unfortunately but it's better than nothing
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Anonymous2: @JuiceSFM: Even when there was an option to repeat it rarely worked. It's this website. You can't scrub or anything. You have to refresh the page to watch it again.
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Greywolf: @Anonymous: Worked all the time for /me/. YMMV
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JuiceSFM: @Anonymous: @Greywolf: I never had a problem either
worked with everything
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HardSpanker: Galian is one of the few people who understand how a hard fucking should look like