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Violater: O wow.. <3
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chancethegraver: more and sex this ime please
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MajoraNSFW: So after asking you multiple times to stop reuploading my work, you continuously keep doing it.
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Anonymous1: Dude, if this belongs to another artist, don't repost without permission.
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JuiceSFM: @MajoraNSFW: user image you can't be serious..

did you ask blizzard before using their trademarked character in your filthy animation?

what about the guy who ported the model? I'm sure you didn't ask his permission to use it.
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LordAardvark: @JuiceSFM: Not even that, all I am reading out of that Majora's complaint is "How dare you give me more exposure and help me become more popular."

Especially since, and I checked, this is posted publicly anyways. It's not even behind a paywall.

So I really don't understand the complaint.

Would you care to enlighten us, Majora? I'm legitimately confused.
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Anonymous2: Just because its free doesnt mean you can use it for whatever you want. If Majora doesnt want his/her work to be uploaded somewhere (whatever the reasons are) you should consider not to do it anymore or at least ask for permission. As a artist myself i hate it, when my work is posted somewhere without permission. It took a lot of time to create this stuff and i want to keep track where it goes. @LordAArdvark why do you care anyway if Majora gets popular or not anyway? Is it because the year is coming to an end and you are getting thoughful and your goodwill just keeps on oozing out of every part of you? Or do you want to add content to this website and just dont give a fuck about the Artists and his/her Opinion?
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LordAardvark: @Anonymous: I can't fathom why an artist wouldn't want free publicity of work they put out for free. If it's paid content, it's a different story, but released completely for free? That just doesn't make sense to me.

As to why I care, I don't appreciate seeing artists being rude to their fanbase.

Seeing the fact that, as of this posting, 19 people like this piece, obviously people like it. So Majora telling Rastifarian to stop posting it is basically Majora telling those 19 people (plus all the others who like the piece and not comment or rate it) to go fuck themselves.

And I don't appreciate when artists do that. As an artist myself, it hurts me to see artists be assholes to their fanbase. It's artists who do that who give the rest of us artists the reputation of being petty, spiteful, and ungrateful toward our fanbases.

That's why I spoke up about this.
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Froggy: user image
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Froggy: Majora have his reasons for not wanting his work to be reposted there.

Why should he care about exposure and likes on a site he don't visit, and don't want his content to be on ?

I've seen my work be reposted on sites without asking me first, with no link to my tumblr or "profile" on rrule34.
Tons of exposure, lucky me. I didn't care much for it, i don't mind people reposting my work. That's why i don't watermark it, that's not what i'm going after.

But i perfectly understand people not wanting to be reposted by other guy somewhere else.

They're not being dicks to their fanbase. For them, their fanbase are the guys that follow their blog, not some guys on a site somewhere who seems to have like their pic once.

And i don't think it's affecting our image much, too. I mean, his work isn't hidden behind a paywall, you said it yourself.
You can check it out on his blog, via tumblr, which will give him real traffic and exposure, if he go after that.
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JuiceSFM: @Anonymous: if he doesn't visit here then why does he even care?, his work being here or not changes nothing.

if every whiny fuccboi from tumblr started asking rasta to take shit down there would be nothing to see.

reason people come here are for these animations..
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JuiceSFM: @JuiceSFM: meant to quote froggy

>15 bucks for a picture
eat a dick puto
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Froggy: @JuiceSFM: If his pictures are here, people will just rely on rule34 to see them, not his blog.

Hence why he'd prefer them not to be posted here, and to stay on his blog.

Also, for the tarif of his pics, well if people pay for it then why bother.
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JuiceSFM: @Froggy: this site will have zero impact on his tumblr popularity, if anything it'll get him more noticed.

shit I never even heard about this guy until I saw this.
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Anonymous4: I don't know about you guys, but most of the new artists I find are through sites like these. Then I go through to their personal sites if I really dig their work.
I'm with Aardvark on this one, I never would have found them if it weren't here.
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asdfasdf: To be perfectly candid, I hadn't heard of this guy until I saw this post.
But he must have his reasons for not having it on here. If that's how it is, you should respect that and not be a dick.
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MajoraNSFW: Are people legitimately throwing a fit over me asking someone to take down my work?
I have all the right in the world to ask him to take it down, it's my work.

And to be honest, I don't care about the exposure, I'm not out to become a super famous SFM porn animator. I don't like my work being taken and reuploaded (without even asking me for permission).
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MajoraNSFW: Also if this is my supposed "fanbase", I think I might just drop out of doing this stuff. To be honest, if anyone's a dick here it's you guys who are upset with me.
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MajoraNSFW: @JuiceSFM: You should probably know I helped SedimentarySocks with his D.Va port.
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Anonymous5: @MajoraNSFW: Go ahead. There are less cunty people to replace you. You won't be missed.