Anonymous3: You should change Hermione's skin color or the Social Justice Fags would cry of sadness. Maybe not, because a white Draco raping a poor black Hermione would be even more offensive!
Anonymous6: This raises a valid issue in the wizarding world of harry potter. How much wizard rape goes unreported because no one believes a person when they claim to be under the influence of the imperius curse? Thank you, UnidentifiedSFM for bringing up this serious issue in such a respectful and forthright manner.
speedlot: Anon 3 there proving that the anti SJW crowed is an even bigger source of pointless outrage than the people they supposedly hate for their outrage culture.
Anonymous8: @speedlot: No one ever said SJWs cornered the market on outrage culture, the point was always about which party's outrage gets taken seriously and hence represents the bigger threat.
Scrubs: Fuckin' A, it was worth the wait and here I thought we were never gonna see it completed. I'm with Anon1, whatever imperfections there are, they're barely noticable. It's great!
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Is she sad that harry coclblocked her?