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Tags Avatar_The_Last_Airbender Azula Fuchur Zuko tag_me
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Lyonhart: Nice work fuchur
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eisenzahn: Love your work my friend. Is starting a patreon something you've considered?
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DumbledoreSuck: @eisenzahn: He talked about how he disliked the idea in one of the 3D images. Donation seems to be the only idea he isn't against, though atm he isn't accepting it either as he has no need for them.

Pregnant loli is so good! Who wouldn't want to impregnate their wife loli <3 I hope to see more of this with your lolis of choice, Fuchur! Or just more from you in general~
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forest13: @eisenzahn: Don't encourage more of that shit, jackass.
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Anonymous1: @forest13: It's a gig economy, friendo. If you can't fix it, feature it.

@DumbledoreSuck: thanks for the heads up.
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eldracmeel: Nice