Bloodsun: @Anonymous: They are not everywhere, but they tend to be a rather vocal bunch. In any case, this is a nice titfuck animation, though EDI's breasts actually sliding up and down along the shaft would have been even better.
Anonymous6: @jester: Correlation. More often than not (9/10 times) people who ask for that tend to be the ones who keep asking for cuckold material to be made in order to accommodate their specific degeneracy.
Not to mention in this day and age, it's almost become a perverse 'truth' of sorts that when a black guy fucks a non-black female, it is always with some form of cuckoldry symbolism.
Don't bitch about this bullshit to me, bitch to the people who keep creating that kind of content.
jester: @Anonymous: Or just use the right term, it's interracial. Cuckold is being cheated on, essentially. Someone screwed your wife, you have been cuckolded. It has nothing to do with your race. I'm not into it, personally, I just call it what it is.
Anonymous8: @jester: Yeah, but unfortunately a lot of the drive behind modern mainstream interracial IS cuckoldry or softer forms of it. These days the race fetish surrounding black dudes is an integral part of it and one of the main driving factors of that is white dudes sexualizing their own self-loathing and inferiority complexes.
Anonymous12: @Anonymous: So you've noticed the same trends but you're going to use an arbitrary unit of measurement to determine my perception as just maybe a little too much despite how unquantifiable that proposition is? "I've noticed it too, but you've noticed it too much so here's an insult." Okaaay?
Anon 8 was my first post here and your follow up was the same old knee-jerk projection response that does nothing but turn the point back on the speaker for lack of any other convincing argument. It was a glorified "no u."
Anonymous13: @Anonymous: Are you American by any chance? There's a good irony in the fact that you began with your own arbitrary unit of measurement, since you provided no data to back it up, and yet you presented your position as fact... I responded on the same level you began. So, where is the evidence to elevate your position? "The evidence is everywhere, can't you see?!" doesn't qualify.
What insult? Offense cannot be given, only taken. Why did you choose to take offense?
I never made a counter argument, since you never provided an evidence-based argument to begin with - just an opinion. Love how you moved the goal post there from saying it's a "no u" to a "glorified no u". LMAO.
atozed: All this lolcuck comment spam is meme-spouting flavor of the month 4channers. Else some butthurt nerds with serious projection issues. People like something you don't, get over it.
>there's already someone asking for a 'blacked' version of this
Cuckolds. Cuckolds everywhere.
- Reply
Not to mention in this day and age, it's almost become a perverse 'truth' of sorts that when a black guy fucks a non-black female, it is always with some form of cuckoldry symbolism.
Don't bitch about this bullshit to me, bitch to the people who keep creating that kind of content.
Nice "no u," response though.
And a "no u" would have to be in response to something you said to me, which you didn't. So that's further proof of your projection.
Anon 8 was my first post here and your follow up was the same old knee-jerk projection response that does nothing but turn the point back on the speaker for lack of any other convincing argument. It was a glorified "no u."
What insult? Offense cannot be given, only taken. Why did you choose to take offense?
I never made a counter argument, since you never provided an evidence-based argument to begin with - just an opinion. Love how you moved the goal post there from saying it's a "no u" to a "glorified no u". LMAO.