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Anonymous1: No one yet? Alright, Im gonna be first. CUCK Overload!
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Bloodsun: Louis is barely moving. Also Zoey's mouth when she looks at Coach is lolwut. Overall, an average animation.
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Anonymous2: Only version of Louis look better.
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USAgent: Coach is so happy.
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Cwaniak: DAT Germany in the background
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Mageta: more cuck shit
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Anonymous3: @Mageta: No one is in a relationship, let alone dating anyone in this game's series. So it's not cuckolding. So you're a moron.
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Amen. They actually have dictionaries on-line, now, kids. The future!

Oh, yeah, good animation!
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erenjager: Coach is probably thinking about cake.
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Preston669: oreo failure again
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: They're obviously not using the insult literally. It's an insult for the state of mind, like many that aren't used exclusively in a literal sense.
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Anonymous6: Notice how white people are the ones that want black people to fuck their wives. Look at every cuckold footage and it's always a white guy with a small penis and an alpha male black guy making his wife squirt. It's never the other way around.

Because black men are more sexy to women and have bigger dicks. White men pay for sites where they watch blacks fucking their women. Literal cucks. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Let's start with saying that it's porn with cuckhold fetish at it's center. It means some white dude is being paid to look (and pretend to be husband) at this lady he was starring with. I doubt there are people dumb enough to want to be filmed and humiliated, while blacks fuck their real wives. As for no reverse cuck on black... I think it is mainly, because blacks would accuse such director/actors of being racists, hence you only see whites being cucked. Strangely, no whites call such state as being racism.
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: LOL! That was a great attempt at a recovery/spin on the fail reactionary meme that's popular with knee-jerking faggots. Even your stupid attempt at coming to his defense doesn't work, because no one is dating. So "state of mind" means nothing, because being in an actual relationship is the requirement. Nor do you actually know what the person who made this is thinking. You're projecting your own insecurities on the creator of this, while you make excuses for an idiot, faggot. LOL!
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: It's MORE because whites still own the film companies, so they don't care.

Also amateur wife porn, which is of actual white couples, using homemade footage, almost always has the white husband filming and commenting while he's jerking off. While his wife is being fucked by a black dude. It's increasingly common, and it's 99.99999% Black Dudes and White Wives, when it's interracial. Which is becoming the majority of "amateur wife porn."
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: State of mind means everything. White-guilt ridden pussies have extrapolated their cuckold tendencies to society at large, it's only reasonable to expand the use of the term.

Please tell me how a self-loathing, anemic, white guy championing the cause of, say, foreign immigrants despite how often they assault native women is anything but being a cuckold? Just because he doesn't specifically have a girlfriend cheating on him it doesn't count? When people like that somehow manage to land girlfriends, they're always the forefront on cuckolding anyway.

Interracial porn and cuckolding might have been separate genres once, but these days cucks have smeared them together to the point there's too much overlap to bother differentiating anymore.

Go to any popular tube site and search for 'cuckold,' and I bet you more than half the results will be black dudes on light-skinned chicks. is supposed to be high-class interracial, but it's rife with cuckolding shit.

I'm not projecting anything, you're just burying your head in the fucking sand. Look at this animation for fuck's sake. Coach winks at the camera, the animator knew exactly what he was doing and so does everyone else. The only person trying to spin anything is you.
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: Despite what ever you think. Interracial still doesnt = cuck. They're different genres. Period. Huge majority of interracial porn isn't cuck, so stop trying to make shit up to justify your bullshit.

And if half of cuckporn is black dudes, then the other half is probably white dudes? Whats your point? Also your claim about being rifed with cuckold is also bullshit.

I never understood how these sissy ass racist complain about black men in porn, and try to claim its because they cant self insert, but i never see any of them complain about beastiality or anything of the like.

Insecurity issues. Simple as that.
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Anonymous12: @Anonymous: OMG! LOL! HAHAHA! I just can't stop laughing at this degree of insecurity. This can't be real. NO rational adult is this fucking stupid and whiny. You beta male faggots who stalk interracial porn to bitch about it, are like some pathetic Emotional Masochist. Except you also drum up the stupidest means/logic to try to legitimize it. You're not only projecting, but you then in a hilarious demonstration of you having "a complete lack of self awareness", you gave us all an even BIGGER example of you pushing your own insecurities on to things that rustle your lil' jimmies.

It's actually easy to differentiate between interracial and "cuckolding" porn. Your problem is that you're too stupid to tell the difference between an apple and an orange. So you blur the ridiculously thick line between the two different things. So you can bitch about them like they're the same.

Coach winked at the camera? So that means he's cuckolding? Damn! Then ANY dude who winks at the camera/viewer while fucking a girl....that isn't in a relationship with the "cuckolding." Even though that goes against the definition of the word. But by your logic, it must be....and an apple is an orange, to yo utoo. But then again, you're the same idiot who just said that "being for immigrants" is also "cuckolding." You don't have ESP. So your claim to know what people are thinking is complete nonsense. You're not a mind reader, you're a paranoid dickhead who is trying to justify his own stupidity, by blaming others. After HE sought out the things that increases his own insecurity based anxieties.

Plain and simple.

Get off the internet and go take your pills, already.
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oriondeth: now a withe version with rochelle
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oriondeth: white
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Prussian-Pride: cool bait

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Anonymous13: @Prussian-Pride: LOL@U thinking that votes actually matter.
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Anonymous14: @Anonymous: isn't rife with cuckoldry?

All it took was five minutes at Xvideos, a single search for Blacked and following related videos to find these three, all cuckold porn.

I'm not racist, I just can't stand blatant race fetishism and cuckoldry. Once upon a time you could find mainstream interracial porn that wasn't embedded with either of those things, but these days? Good fucking luck.

It's comedic how strongly you're saying interracial doesn't equal cuckoldry when I'm attacking the latter, but you're interpreting that as an attack on the former. If you equate the animation above as regular interracial and not race fetish bullshit then you're prime example numero uno of the trend that mixes the two up.

@Anonymous: Coach winked to the camera while he and another black guy fucked a white chick while a white dude jerked off on the side.

Don't play stupid, you know what the idea was. Everybody knows what it was and you burying your head in the fucking sand isn't going to change it. Take your cuckold apologism somewhere else, cuck.
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous:

You say that you're not attacking interracial and that you're attacking "cuckolding". But yet you accuse an anim of being cuckolding, because two guys are fucking a girl that isn't in a relationship with anyone. Ellis isn't dating Zoey. So it's not cuckolding. End of story. Having flimsy notions of "The SFM Artists Mentality" just makes you a paranoid retard who wants to "cleverly" hate on interracial, while trying to protect himself from that accurate criticism.

You're a delusional and paranoid neckbeard, who hides behind his faux concern, so he can passive-aggressively insult and lump all interracial into cuckolding. And this is coming from someone who hates cuckolding, too. But you're just a dishonest retard who twists himself in to pretzels to justify his pathetic anxieties over what rustles his jimmies.

And I have to chime in on the blacked conversation. Because that's such a silly argument. Using "rife" for three (or a comparative handful in general) is just an intentionally vague and over-dramatic intensifier. It's a tactic that pathetic demagogues use to make something sound more serious that it really is. Two examples out of a thousand could be "rife" to some. But to a rational person you're just an over-dramatic idiot, as well as a delusional and paranoid one.

But then again, you're once again the slow fuck who thinks that something is cuckolding, when it doesn't even fit meet the requirements. It's no different than me saying that the creator of this is "pushing a gay agenda", because he shows testicles.
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Anonymous16: @Anonymous: Do you think every insult is used literally? Do you think people who use the word 'crybaby,' mean it literally? Do you think they're actually insinuating someone is a crying infant or are they just insulting someone for acting like one?

It doesn't have to be a literal example to insult the mindset. And please, stop lying to yourself and insulting everyone's intelligence here. Look at this fucking animation, there's no reason for Ellis to be there other than to appeal to the race fetishist/cuckold crowd. Live-action porn labeled "cuckolding," has this same fucking dynamic all the time, but somehow, magically it doesn't apply here just because you say so?

I'm not paranoid, I'm just not an obtuse motherfucker trying to deny reality. Look around you for fuck's sake. When shitposters here try and rile up haters and defend this shit they make the same conflations.

Backpedal more on that bit. You're just salty because it took me five fucking minutes to show you cuckolding is a major part of its appeal and you're still in denial that mainstream interracial doesn't have a shit ton of white-guilt ridden faggots driving its popularity and twisting it into retarded cuckold fetishes.

Spare me the gay agenda bullshit. I'm not a conservative and find most of their talking points as retarded as the progressive ones. I'm just someone who doesn't buy your bullshit defense of your pet fetish.
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Anonymous17: @Anonymous:

First of all, I already said that I hate cuckolding. But (again) you were too stupid to read what is in front of you.

I'm starting to think that you're completely detached from reality and believe that Zoey is your girlfriend or some shit. Like your average social loser that forms a unhealthy attachment to fictional women and rages about them in SFM porn. Like it's some personal slight against them. Because that's the only way someone can fathom a character not in a relationship with cuckolding. Go meet a real woman already, faggot. Stop using SFM pixels to fill the void, because you're such a beta male loser IRL. Because nothing here meets the base requirements. There's no "crying" in this pic. "Crying"...since you're fucking slowpoke and would no doubt miss the analogy, would be "cheating." But there's no relationship. So there's no cuckolding. No amount of hiding behind vague and completely unprovable notion of "the mindset of the creator" makes this true. You're just being intentionally vague here and projecting your own pathetic persecution complex on to the creator of this. That's what I meant earlier about you being a complete fucking moron and blurring the lines of two different things, in order to complain about what you don't like.

You're a paranoid social retard, and borderline conspiracy theorist who looks into what isn't happening. Oh wait, you're not a paranoid idiot? Then show us where the creator was actually promoting cuckolding in his mind. Transmit his actual thoughts to us. Go.

I'm also not salty, because you were too stupid to realize that you were talking two different anons. And three examples don't mean that it's a major appeal. Since it's not even advertised as a cuckold site (which it would be in an instant) on Blacked. Go work on your pathetic anxiety issues and stop projecting your hilarious persecution complex, dickhead.

And the "gay agenda" comment was pretty blatant example of a moron grasping at straws in order to complain about something. It wasn't an accusation by me of something you believe. Good job on being a dumb fuck and intentionally missing the incredibly simply point AGAIN; in order to act as though you have a point. Which you don't.

You're just a whiny insecure idiot who doesn't want to come to terms with his own shitty victim complex. And instead pushes that complex on to everyone else as "being to blame" for your own anxieties, via faux concern and conspiracy theories. You're a complete joke. I hope more of this "cuckolding porn" pops up...and like a typical loser, it pushes you over the limit and it enrages you to the point where you physically lash out. Where then society puts you down and locks you up.
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Anonymous18: @Anonymous: "less than 5 mins" Right. Also you need to learn the difference between "cuckold" and "cheating"

And in case you didn't know. Cheating is a fairly popular genre. And is SEPARATE from cuckolding. I hate it when retards don't even have the mental capacity to differentiate the two. Is it even that hard to understand what cuckold means?!

Unless you're against "cheating" porn. That includes cheating porn with white men (which is what most cheating porn is).
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Anonymous19: @Anonymous: Sure, you totally hate cuckolding, which is why you're wasting all this time defending the cuckold race fetishism that the animation above displays right? Go peddle your pedantry and noxious verbosity somewhere else you pussified cuck.

@Anonymous: Wait wait wait, you retards are going to throw the literal definition of cuckolding at me but then you magically announce it's not the same thing as cheating? The fuck? Next you're going to tell me NTR totally doesn't constitute either of those either.

I'm not bitching because I hate cheating and cuckold porn, I'm bitching because fans of those have infected interracial porn to the point it's hard to find the latter without the former.
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Anonymous20: @Anonymous: Look at this retard. Still too stupid to spend 5 mins to look up the definition of cuckold.
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Anonymous21: @Anonymous: Also look up the definition of cheating. Not sure if you even graduated high school. But even a drop out should be able to look at the two definitions and be able to see they're not related.
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Anonymous22: @Anonymous: The literal definition of cuckold is simply the significant other of an adulteress woman. That includes cheating. You can't be a stickler for definitions on one hand and then in the next bitch and whine about the two being separate.

I already mentioned the insult above being directed at the self-loathing and detrimental mindset that accompanies cuckolding as a fetish. The only people who want or need a tiny dicked Ellis jerking off to Zoey shtupping Louis and Coach are race fetishists and people with that humiliating cuckold mindset. Hence the insult. It doesn't matter that the literal definition does not apply.

This is really not that hard to understand.
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GetBLACKED: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: I personally wouldn't trust that Google automatic definition 100% (I'm guessing thats what your using). Where it says cuckold is a man making another man have sex with his wife. While yes that is cuckold. Cuckold can also mean cheating. So you're not wrong. But you aren't right as well.
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GetBLACKED: But I must also say. Trying to say that interracial porn is infected with cuckold...I don't see it. Yeah there some. But hardly "infected". People love to yell "cuck" the moment they see a black dick because they dont like it and its a meme. Even if the picture isn't implying cuckoldry at all.

This picture is cuck 100%. But a vast majority of interracial porn isn't.
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Anonymous23: @GetBLACKED:Even if it meant "just cheating" this STILL wouldn't be cuckolding. Because Zoey and Ellis aren't dating at all in Left 4 Dead. This other retarded anon, who keeps mentioning this flimsy notion of "mindset" in a fear-mongering fashion, and is just blatantly projecting his own insecurities, is a moron.
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GetBLACKED: @Anonymous: Oh I was under the impression they were. I don't play too much Vidya games
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Anonymous24: @GetBLACKED: Naw. They never once became a couple. It's more of a "Starcrossed Lovers" thing. Where Ellis likes Zoey, but never tells her how he feels.
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Anonymous25: The truth hurts but its okay, you can still jerk off to 3D animations.
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Anonymous26: @Anonymous: The pornstars who make cuckold porn don't literally date each other either, that doesn't keep it from being cuckold porn you fucking retard. According to your logic, the only thing that would qualify would be amateur shit.

Please tell me who this animation would appeal to beyond race fetishists and cuckolds. Please. Tell me what anyone who isn't one of those things gets out of tiny dicked Ellis being there at all. It's cuckold porn because it appeals to cuckolds and their fetish for being sexually humiliated, degraded and passed over. Applying the literal definition makes no fucking sense here since it's an insult built on attacking that way of thinking, not every literal example of such.

Saying this doesn't qualify because of a literal technicality is like saying werewolf knotting doesn't qualify as glorified bestiality.
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Anonymous27: @Anonymous: Once again, you demonstrate just how stupid you are. In the cuckold fetish, there's always someone there who is playing the part of their character's spouse/partner. In this there isn't anyone who fits that role. Since zoey isn't "cheating" on Ellis, since they were never together. Hence why you'd had to cling to a nonsensical notion of "what the creator is thinking." Because you picked the wrong animation to start up with your faux concern trolling bullshit on.

The rest of your post was just you rambling nonsensically and you desperately trying to project your insecurities via fear-mongering.
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Anonymous28: @Anonymous: How is Ellis tiny dicked, when the camera isn't even in a position to show the size of it? Stop trying to inject yourself into the picture like it's some personal attack on you, so you can complain about it.

This is why all the "cuck" cries don't matter in the end, and don't prevent "so-called cuckold" porn from happening. Because you idiots have turned what could be a legitimate issue into a useless buzzword.

Oh, I'm wrong? Lets watch how the next anim with a black dick "period" will be called "cuck porn." Regardless of the scene.
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Anonymous29: @Anonymous: You didn't answer the question. Who is Ellis fapping in the corner supposed to appeal to other than humiliation craving cucks or people fapping for the racial element? If it's not designed to appeal to them then why is he there?
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Anonymous30: @Anonymous: People hating on cuckold porn doesn't matter but your valiant defense of such cuckold porn does?

You're full of shit. The fact you're defending this shows all your supposed hatred of cuckolding is just lip service because you know how fucking pathetic you would look to come right out and admit to liking it, so you couch that shit in "You guys have ruined a legitimate issue!" nonsense. If you don't oppose it here you were never going to in the first place.
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Anonymous31: @Anonymous: Total strawman there, idiot. Good job. I'm in defense of accuracy and against mislabeling. You're against the former and promoting the latter by continuing to be a fucking moron. If you conflate me "showing that you're a moron" with "defending cuckolding", then you have bigger problems than simple interracial 3D porn of fictional characters working up your pathetic personal anxieties.

Sorry that you want to just blindly apply something with a meme label, with the hope that it sticks, but that's not how it works. We deal with facts and context here. Not fear-mongering and demagoguery. You're no different than SJWs who cry "racism" at everything.

Ellis being in the corner is appealing to those who like humiliation in general. If you think that all humiliation in porn is cuckolding. Then you'd just further cement yourself in the category of "stupid."
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Anonymous32: @Anonymous: Sure you're in total defense of accuracy and against mislabeling aren't you? That's totally why you have a problem with strawmen, but only when they're thrown at you right Mr. Hypocrite?

I'm not crying racism at everything, I'm labeling cuckold porn as cuckolding and the fact you're coming to defend it so hard just shows you're one of those SJWs who knows everyone hates that label and the people it applies to so you try and stick it to someone clearly on the opposite end of the issue in hopes of muddying the view.

General humiliation applies to many genres of porn. This specifically is Ellis jerking off in the corner like some scolded boy, staring longingly at Zoey while Louis and Coach go to town on her, the latter of whom is teasing the camera. It's not literal cuckolding, but it's a straight up appeal to the fetish itself.

Arguing otherwise is like a petulant child waving their arms in front of their sibling's face and then using the "I didn't touch them!" excuse when it's pointed out they're being annoying.
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Anonymous33: @Anonymous: You're back to rambling, I see. I didn't say that you were crying racism. Here we go again with you being an idiot and failing to read. I said that you're no different than SJWs who cry racism, with your use of "cuck". Not that "you were crying racism."

You're crying "cuck" like a brainless demagogue, while accusing people who are telling you you're wrong, of defending the genre. Even after they repeatedly say that they're against the fetish. You have no leg to stand on in this issue. Ellis is only "appealing to the genre", to you (and any other beta faggot), because you're an insecure fuck whose anxieties are getting the better of him.

You're either a very stupid person who can't grasp a simple reality, or you're just a socially retarded troll whose jimmies are rustled.
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Anonymous34: @Anonymous: "Insecure! Insecure! Insecure!" It's funny you say you're not a SJW when that's the default shit they fall on when it comes to shit like this.

I know you were making a comparison, I was just pointing out that it doesn't apply and then remarking on the tendency of SJWs to try and throw the label around the most to devalue its worth.

You're not against the fetish. Stop fucking pretending to save face. Nobody against cuckolding would have said, and I quote...

"I hope more of this "cuckolding porn" pops up...and like a typical loser, it pushes you over the limit and it enrages you to the point where you physically lash out. Where then society puts you down and locks you up."

You're not against cuckold porn, that's just shit you say to deflect, because anyone who truly didn't like it wouldn't be going to bat for an animation like the one above. You'd be dying on a hill somewhere else where it wasn't plainly fucking apparent what this is and who it was meant to appeal to.

The only jimmies rustled here are yours, because you obviously can't stand people calling out your shitty fetish. Stop pretending it isn't yours. If you weren't invested in it you wouldn't be wasting the time and energy here to defend it.
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SerumSFM: @Anonymous: Yeah, because the only people who use the word "Insecure" are SJWs. LOL! Is that like your personal pathetic version of a "Godwin?" If that's the "Feel Good Box of Stupid" you want to lock yourself in, then that's your prerogative. While you go in to Conspiracy Theory Mode and accuse people who disagree with your low logic (but not your dislike of the fetish) as being something akin to a "covert cuck." Just because I'm not stupid like you are, you that doesn't mean I support the things you dislike. What next? Black CIA Helicopters swooping down to kidnap you? You're becoming an increasingly unhinged faggot and it's just hilarious.

I only said that quote because it's clear that your angst meter is pinging and you're crying about so-called "cuckold" porn, when it's been continuously proven that this all stems from your taking Ellis being left out, like it's YOU. Which is sad, but common place with "Anti-Cuck Coalition." Who just really use is as a synonym for interracial in general.

My jimmimes aren't rustled, btw. Because I'm laughing at you twisting yourself into such severe knots to hate on something with one of the main inaccurate meme labels that's popular with social retards whose anxieties are flaring up. Over the things they seek out but hate.
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Anonymous35: @SerumSFM: Now that you mention it, it should very well be an internet law right alongside Godwin's that any derisive attitude for a sexuality or fetish will immediately be labeled insecurity. You see this enough with the futanari arguments. You see it with the idiots who argue with anti-gay conservative retards. Every single one of them unable to come up with a reason for someone's dissent other than "You're just insecure!"

Yeah, suuuure, you only said that because you want to trump the "u mad bro?" approach. Totally. Someone who doesn't like cuckolding would totally want to see more of it just to hypothetically piss off a random anon somewhere on the internet. Yup, that's 100% believable non-bullshit if I've ever heard it!

"I totally only want to see more cuckoldry because it makes you, some nobody on the internet, totally mad! B-but I still don't like it, I just want to know somewhere out there someone might not be liking it. That's why I want more of it... I totally don't like it though!"

You're not fooling anyone. My point is simple and hasn't changed once in this exchange. This is cuckold porn. You're the one who has danced from one point to the next between "It doesn't fit the literal definition!" to "It's just general humiliation, that's all." to "It's only cuck because you see it that way!" You're twisted in knots defending this because you need to keep finding excuse after excuse for your position.
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sanduichedosul: >all those comments

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SerumSFM: @Anonymous: "It's a label that I say it is, even though it doesn't meet the most basic criteria of said label. So Imma just hide behind an assumption of the mentality of the animator, because I was shown to not know what I was talking about. Repeatedly."

You're confirmed "for moron."

Your point is simple, because it's flat out factually incorrect and you just don't admit when you're wrong. I've only "twisted myself in knots", because you keep dancing and showing that you can't read. So you just accuse others of being double agents, or some ridiculous nonsense. Instead of owning up to that fact that you've consistently shown that you don't have a leg to stand on, in your complaints.
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SerumSFM: @Anonymous: And none of your quotes of mine cancel anything I've said out. You just think that saying something with a mocking tone counts as a proper rebuttal. Which it doesn't.
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Anonymous36: this is all you people need to see why whites are racists
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Anonymous37: @SerumSFM: You didn't even know cheating and cuckolding were the same thing until someone (who should have been on your side) came in and told you they are. You're the last person to be schooling anyone on definitions pal.

But of course even after that you jumped to the "even if..." nonsense as if we were still discussing the literal definition at all.

@SerumSFM: Bull-fucking-shit. Someone who doesn't like snuff porn, for example, doesn't ask for more of it because it might make some random asshole on the internet saltier than him. You're fucking lying. The only people who ask for more of something to piss off others are those who do like it but aren't willing to admit it because they think coming from a neutral position grants their argument more weight.

It's the oldest trick in the fucking book and you're insulting everyone's intelligence by pretending otherwise. And if by some happenstance you really are in it just for the negative reactions (because you soooo obviously don't like the fetish yourself right?) then you might as well go fap to Youtube comments.

"I hate this type of porn, but I want more because it pisses you off!" exclaimed absolutely nobody sincere in disliking said porn. If you didn't like it, you wouldn't be wasting your precious time defending it against an anonymous person you deem a moron now would you?
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SerumSFM: @Anonymous: You are just THAT adamant on showing us "just how" stupid you are, aren't you? Fine. Here's we go again.

For starters the only one who is insulting everyone's intelligence is YOU, by dressing up your clear dislike of interracial by falsely attaching it to the label that's popular with meme-using racist retards. By pretend that you're arguing for some greater issue. But your bullshit, that is fueled by your own pathetic anxieties is so laughably transparent, that it's like looking through a window. Even the one person who semi-supported your opinion, retracted it, when he learned that Ellis and Zoey aren't dating. Which is why you had to resort to the pitiful backpedalling BS of "I can actually read the creator's thoughts."

Secondly, the cuckold fetish in porn (which is what this is is falsely accused of being) revolves around the spouse/partner being complicit in and getting sexual gratification in his partner's infidelity. It's not as simple as "cheating." But since you've proven to be fucking slow, with every post you make, "cheating" is as far as you could comprehend.

Actually, someone who focuses on the reaction of the idiot raging at what he dislikes "would." Because their reaction is what matters to them. It's the same mentality behind trolling. Trolls don't believe or support the shit they say (usually). They just focus on the reaction from people over WHAT they say. And there probably "are" people who fap to the negativity of Youtube comments.

So you can say that I'm defending this genre until you're blue in the face. It doesn't make it "so"; unfortunately for you. Since you've been flat out wrong on damn near everything else you've said thus far. You're just prone to taking logical leaps, to mislabel things that you don't like.

You're an idiot. Plain and simple.
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Anonymous38: @SerumSFM: You can keep trotting out the literal definition all you want, it's not going to do you any good since I've stated from the beginning that the insult is directed at the state of mind behind eroticizing sexual inadequacy combined with race-baiting fetishism.

You are defending the genre, because you can't seem to understand the very simple point that the content above directly appeals to the same kind of people who crave that humiliating sexual denial twisted and tinged with the racial aspect.

It. Does. Not. Matter. That. They. Are. Not. Literally. Significant. Others. The appeal is the same. The audience craving it is the same. The tropes, the stereotypes, the dynamics are all the fucking same. A small technicality does not change that. Your own fucking link shows the idea behind being a worthless mate is the biggest driver behind the fetish to begin with.

You can't have it both ways. The literal definition for a cuckold is simply being cheated on. That's it. The thing that separates that from the cuckold fetish is the state of mind and attitude. That's where the fucking insult comes from.

I haven't backpedaled once because there's nothing to backpedal from here. You can keep rattling off all those variations of "You're dumb!" that you can't keep yourself from repeating over and over but it won't change that fact.

Neither will it change the fact that you're coming to bat for a fetish you claim to hate against someone you repeatedly call an idiot. If I'm such a fucking moron and you dislike the fetish so much, why are you wasting so much time with me arguing about it?
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SerumSFM: @Anonymous: You've stated that you've connected the two through a logical leap that doesn't stick/land. It doesn't matter how much you think it does. You claim that cuckolding is cheating, and then say that the anim is cuckolding, but the thing that it's based on isn't on display. Which makes your attempt to connect the two incorrect. So then you backpedal and hide behind "It's not literal!" by trying to connect the anim and the label by some assumption of mindset of the creator and the hypothetical fans. Like you're some mind reader. When in fact you're just some paranoid and delusional idiot who is blatantly projecting his hurt feelings in a (attempted) clever fashion.

And I call you an idiot, because you demonstrate all the traits of one. Especially because you keep repeating the lie that I'm "coming to bat" for the fetish, despite never actually defending/cheering for it once. My link does mention being a worthless male, but you completely ignored the fact that it also relies on getting off from it. Because that doesn't help your point, nor does it help you justify your own pathetic anxieties. Inconvenient context, is "a bitch" to morons like you.

This isn't a waste of time, to me btw. I enjoy making whiny neckbeards like you squirm, by dismantling their "carefully crafted feel good bullshit." And showing why it doesn't work outside of their own head.
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Anonymous39: @Anonymous: You can't have it both ways either, dude. You keep mentioning state of mind, because "you're not being literal" but neither Ellis or Zoey are cheating on one another. Since they were never together. So it can't be their mindset. Well...also because they're fictional. It also can't be the mindset of the creator, since once again the two were never together. So it's still not a cheating mindset, since they didn't even know how they felt about one another in the game. By that logic, anyone cheats on someone if they sleep with anyone but THE ONE they want to date, but can't. But that would be bonkers.

You can hide behind the vague application of the buzzwords "tropes" and "stereotypes" and "dynamics", until you pass out. Doesn't make you correct, and is just a lame attempt at trying to look like you know what you're talking about.
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Anonymous40: @SerumSFM: The literal definition of cuckolding is simply cheating. This goes ways back all the way to Shakespeare and the origins of il cornuto. Just having a woman cheat makes a cuckold in the technical sense. That's all that's required.

The cuckold fetish on the other hand is built on sexualizing a sense of self-loathing inadequacy in the face of better mates and craving the humiliation that ensues.

The former merely exists by circumstance, the latter is an example of the former who explicitly gets off on those circumstances. The difference between the two is the mental approach to the situation at hand.

That's where the insult comes from. That detrimental, masochistic mindset that sets the fetish itself apart from the literal technicality.

It's the same dynamic behind shouting "faggot," at an incredibly annoying effeminate man. It doesn't matter whether he's literally gay or not, all that's required is acting like it.

Combine that with mainstream cuckoldry having an infatuation with injecting race into its dynamic and you have an animation like above. It doesn't matter that Zoey and Ellis aren't together. The same mental dynamic is at play.

This isn't hard to understand. I never ignored the need to get off on it, because that's been a major part of my point from the fucking beginning. A literal cuckold simply exists, a cuckold fetishist gets off on it. That's where the difference lies and where the insult is coming from here and now.

It's not a lie that you're defending the cuckold fetish because you're doing so by choosing to die on this particular hill. Stop fellating yourself with delusions of grandeur about "dismantling," anything.

One might need to reconsider who the true moron here is if you don't find arguing anonymously with someone you consider one, who hasn't changed and doesn't look to change their tune, over a fetish you "supposedly," don't like is really worth your time.

Unless of course that last bit was just a self-righteous cover for a dying need to have the last word which would explain why you're still unwilling to walk away despite your own purported veracity and my overwhelming stupidity. I know I'm a petty asshole, are you? The way you argue makes me think you and I share that quality.
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Anonymous41: @Anonymous: Well that first paragraph is useless, because you haven't caught on by now I'm talking about the masochistic and self-loathing mindset endemic to the cuckolding fetish and not the actual cheating that's a requirement of the literal definition. It has nothing to do with the characters, it's the dynamic they're in.

As for the rest? Shut the fuck up you hypocrite. You're the one who injected words like SJW, neckbeard and racism into this argument. You're the last person to lecture anybody on the use of buzzwords.
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Anonymous42: @Anonymous: And this is neither version of cuckolding, fuckhead. Since no one is cheating on another. You can't hide behind the nonsense point of "the mindset" since you're not a mind reader, and then attempt to protect yourself by hiding behind the weak notion of "Huur! Not literal! Duh dynamic!"

That's just typical cowardice on your part. And I didn't mention SJW or neckbeard or racism. What are you smoking? Oh, whatever lets you think that this is cuckolding, apparently.
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Anonymous43: @Anonymous: Holy Projections Batman! Never a dull day on R34Hentai, when an crybaby twat tries to present what makes HIM sad in the pants as being some legitimate/grand problem.

Get off your high horse already, you idiot.
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Anonymous44: @SerumSFM: This stupid motherfucker has been trolling you this entire time dude, with his wordy anxiety riddled bullshit. All this faux concern/outrage and amateur clairvoyance from him is just too painful and too funny to watch.
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Anonymous45: @Anonymous: SJW: You brought it up here 141560#c54777 (Anon31). Prior to that nobody had mentioned it. You used neckbeard here 141560#c54947 and you constantly fell back on the "you're just an insecure racist," the entire argument.

You don't seem to understand how insults work either. See, they very often work as derisive comparisons. Keep following along.

If someone starts flouting the tenets of national socialism they're going to get called a nazi, regardless of whether they actually are one or see themselves as one.

If a guy starts acting like a flamer he's going to get called a flaming faggot regardless of whether he's actually gay.

This is not a hard concept to grasp. If it walks, talks, acts and looks like A, for all intents and purposes insulting it by labeling it A makes sense.

You yourself have partaken in this when you monotonously repeated "faggot," or "moron." I'm not gay or mentally retarded, but that didn't stop you from trying to insultingly label me as such did it? I'm pointing this out because you seem to have completely forgotten how insults work here.

That's why the literal definition of cuckolding doesn't matter here. If it has the same humiliation, same self-loathing appeal, same race-baity fetish tied to it, then it's gonna get labeled as such. There being a literal technicality doesn't fucking matter anymore than me not being a medically certified retard matters when you inevitably call me some variation of one in your next or previous posts.

@Anonymous: @Anonymous: Drop the samefaggotry Serum. It's pathetic and it's not fooling anyone.
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J-Debs: Wow. Someone must have a REALLY small dick to get this mad about porn that isn't even real.
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Anonymous46: @J-Debs: Well for one, people get mad about shit that isn't real all the time. Does it matter if the argument is over which Hogwarts house is best or how big rule34'd Hermoine's tits should be? It's all fictional entertainment in the end, just different kinds.

Secondly, two assholes having a long exchange doesn't always mean they're mad. I talk like an shithead when I'm calm most of the time. You're making the mistake of thinking everyone's a lazy twat who only goes at length on a topic when they're pissed off.
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Anonymous47: @Anonymous:

Apparently, anyone that disagree with this nutter is "a samefag."
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SerumSFM: @Anonymous: You're still at this silly shit, I see.

If you remove the partner aspect of cuckolding and only focus on humiliation, self-loathing appeal, and race-baity stuff, for your nonsense label to make sense, that would make all of those traits on their own cuckolding as well. But that would be complete nonsense. Humiliation isn't cuckolding. Neither is being self loathing. And race baiting wouldn't be it either, since you have same race cuckolding.

Your theory doesn't make sense, since there's nothing written that demonstrates how something is cuckolding without the relationship/partner aspect. You can try to change definitions of words to fit your silly shit, but that doesn't make you any less incorrect. Even if you try to type it out in an eloquent and posturing manner.
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SerumSFM: To add to why your label doesn't work, ignoring the race bait reason (since as I mentioned earlier, you have same race cuckolds), humiliation and self-loathing don't make Gimps who partake in BDSM "cuckolds". And they have both of those traits as well. The more you talk, the more your anxiety fueled and transparent bullshit begins to fall apart.
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Anonymous48: @Anonymous: I didn't accuse GetBLACKED or J-Debs of being samefags and they're hardly on my side here. You got called one because you're atrocious at hiding it, Serum.

@SerumSFM: Still at this silly shit, right along with you :)

You're right, all those things on their own don't immediately constitute the same cuckold appeal. That's why I put them all together, because they all tend to show up in the same spot with that fetish. I don't know why you brought up gimps since they can be and often are cuckolds as easily and as often as they aren't. They're into their position for various reasons. If a gimp happens to share a lot of those qualities with the cuckolding fetish, then yes, they're likely going to get called a cuck. If it walks, talks, acts, sounds and looks like a cuck...

My theory makes perfect sense. Interracial gets tarred with the insult because of how popular the genre is with cucks and vice versa. Are all or even most instances of interracial examples of cuckolding? Probably not. Are there some people who don't give a shit about any of that and just want to hate on IR for their own racist reasons and use any means to do so? Probably yes. Does any of that matter in context of how the insult is used? Nope. Not one bit.

People using retard as an insult don't stop doing it or have their use of it invalidated just because it's occasionally used by someone who internally combusts whenever the short bus whizzes by.
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USAgent: Can't we all just get along?
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Anonymous49: @USAgent: sadly no, this site is like 95% white racists D:
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randomname: Reading the first comments this had nothing to do with racism.
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SerumSFM: @Anonymous: Oh please. Stop with the posturing, already. Saying a baseless and false accusation with bravado doesn't make it any less baseless or false. Or, in your case, any less paranoid as well. I stopped "samefagging" when I made an account after I was Anon33. Ever since then, I've been logged in. So stop with the pitiful attempt at drumming up a conspiracy theory please, because people disagree with your crap (which you'll now say "is me all along" with a version of "!"). It's not a good look, and makes you look more paranoid than you already do now. Moving on.

You put them all together, because you're just winging this, as you go along. Especially when you scramble to make it work. Which makes your entire nonsense excuse about "mentality" even more painfully hilarious. Because Gimps pretty much always have those two traits of humiliation and self-loathing. They're their two MAIN traits. By your logic, they'd always be considered a cuckold. But they're not, in the least bit. Nor is the BDSM fetish that uses Gimps called cuckolding. Why?

Because this entire thing about "mentality" angle is your own feel good theory that's complete bullshit. In a desperate (but eloquently put) attempt to make an excuse for, and legitimize, what illogical idiots use as a coping mechanism. Because you clearly share the same personal anxiety driven sentiment as the aforementioned idiots with interracial in general. You don't have to give me a rambling schpeel, of how you don't, because it's blatantly obvious that you do. This entire theory (which I'm glad that you stopped trying to prop up as established fact) of yours is the equivalent of jamming a round peg into a square hole and saying that "It fits!", no matter what.
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SerumSFM: @Anonymous: White racists and their...."more intelligent" brethren who try so fantastically hard to make their stupidity seem like it's anything "but." It's an amazing thing to behold.
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Anonymous50: @Anonymous: People not liking your fetish makes them racist?
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Anonymous51: @SerumSFM: It's not a conspiracy theory Serum. You're just not very good at hiding it. You're not as clever as you think you are.

I didn't put those traits together, they're all common things to find among cuckolding. And no, humiliation they might share in abundance, but self-loathing? Nada. Submissive =/= self-loathing. I said gimps can be cuckolds, not that they always are and if they exhibit all those cuck traits then the label or insult fits. BDSM too can incorporate cuckolding. It's not always one or the other and when there's major cuckolding elements present it'll get labeled cuckolding too.

They're not mutually exclusive. Something could fall under cuckolding, interracial and BDSM all at the same time. The cuck insult gets thrown at interracial because there's a lot of cross-pollination between it and cuckolding and as long as enough elements of the latter show up, it doesn't matter if it's not a literal example getting tarred.

I'm not sure why you think I'm not propping that trend up anymore when that's how comparative insults work. If you think every instance of every insult isn't or couldn't possibly derisively refer to something that might not fit an exact definition then you're way too literal for your own good my friend.

Interracial is incredibly popular with cuckolds and they often incorporate it into their own fetish. Until that stops you're just going to have to get used to insults thrown that, like most insults in general, don't give any shits about their literal veracity. I'm not bound from calling you a motherfucking piece of shit for instance by the fact you are most likely not a literal hunk of incestuous excrement.

I'm surprised this even has to be pointed out.

And btw, it's Spiel, not schpeel.
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GetBLACKED: @Anonymous: No, but saying "nig, monkey, beastiality, looks like shes fucking shit, AIDS" etc is. Which is what a disturbing amount of comments on this site is. Worse than 4chan its self.

If people simply didn't like it. They would simply ignore it. But they hate it so much they feel the need to make comments insulting the dark skinned male. HOWEVER they praise the picture if its a light skinned male screwing a dark skinned female. Strange huh.

And claiming that interracial = cuckold is just a whole new level of stupidity. Any attempt at trying to justify it just makes them look more stupid.

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LouisCK: Instant favorite
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BoletoKKK: @GetBLACKED: get back to 4chan then
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Anonymous52: @Anonymous: *Cites Cross-Pollination as an excuse for idiots mislabeling.*

*Ignores how no one really calls regular porn movies with anal segments, "Anal Porn".*

*Apply same logic with scenes that have choking. It's not labeled "BDSM" or "Light Snuff."*

*Apply same logic with scenes that have a girl eating out another girl in-between being fucked by a dude. It's not labeled "lesbian porn."*

*Entire angle of "Cross-Pollination" is just opportunistic bullshit from projecting cunts, whose feelings are clearly hurt over seeing interracial.*
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tuaraag: Good lord, all these comments about a fake ass chick fucking 2 big black dicks, smh all these white virgin nerds
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Hussein: @GetBLACKED: get cancer and suffer
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Anonymous53: @GetBLACKED: Don't stop what you're doing. The white butthurt here is only making pics like this hotter.
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Rusbear77: dem black baeits
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Silverscorpionsfm: So many people triggered/butt hurt lol
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Anonymous54: @Anonymous: it doesnt have to be a relation ship to be cucking kiddo where did you even get that from?
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Anonymous55: @Anonymous:
not to mention this is clearly trying to appeal to a cuck fetish you fucking buffoon. So the anon before is correct
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Anonymous56: @Anonymous: From the very definition of the word, idiot.
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