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aryan826: damn hot! are those studiofow sound resources?
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Anonymous1: ^ it takes 10 min to extract sounds from skyrim .. jesus people these days think studiofow does everything, also onagi has someone that does the voices
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Willy_Wanker: cringed so hard when i saw that cow enter the room
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Anonymous2: There's big tits and then there's...that. Ech.
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Anonymous3: would have been amazing if it didn't have any male sounds and if we didn't have to see any nasty ass orc faces.
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Anonymous4: i can't fap to this when every other second there are male moans and other nasty fag shit
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Bloodsun: Attack of the orc clones! But no-hands-tittyfucking? Come on!
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aryan826: @Anonymous: not the Ork sounds genius. the elf sounds.
sounds the same as the Elizabeth bioshag trinity first scene
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Kiasyon: If I had to guess this was modeled after a seriews of picture The Pit did for Osira from Legend of Queen Opala where she buys some monsters and lets them pound her to feed her powers. That's not a critic it's a compliment because that series was great and this animation is great!

Loved that there were voices too, you keep making great stuff Onagi!
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Anonymous5: thats gromm hellscream voice from warcraft 3 LOL, anyway its an amazing animation as always