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Anonymous1: Very well done.
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Anonymous2: nice BBC ravaging that white grill
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Anonymous3: i dont mind interracial, but cmon man, i can tell people are doing this just just to annoy the white guys, im half black so it doesnt bother me but cmon be fair.
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Anonymous4: It's funny, not annoying xD
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GetBLACKED: @Anonymous: I dont understand. Be fair about what.

Frankly, they shouldn't even be getting annoyed. That's like me getting annoyed everytime i see furry porn because i don't like furry. I simply ignore it and go seek what i like.

My mind cant comprehend why they get annoyed. Unless its occasions where they are insulting the white character (aka big black penis next to small white penis). That's understandable. Otherwise its pretty strange to be "annoyed".

But i admit. Them getting annoyed is a source of entertainment to me.
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Preston669: @GetBLACKED: you're a useless human being
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aryan826: i am really not bothered by the color of the dick going in, its not what i am focusing on
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Anonymous5: well this is awesome
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Webmoin: finally some harder action than all that soft stuff
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Anonymous6: @GetBLACKED: People get annoyed because of the silly stereotypes black-and-light interracial is built around. No other group gets the same kind of hate. Latinos? Nope. Whites? Nope. Asians? Nope. None of those have an annoying, racist fetish built around them.

And it's not helped by people like yourself playing dumb to that fact and trying to bait and antagonize as much as you can. It only makes it worse.
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zynisch: The hole point of those animations is to annoy people.
I mean, there are tons of complains about 90% of the animations have white men. But no one complains about 99% of animations with white women.
So I don't think it's about racial equality, it's about "Let's make a black dude bang a white girl and see how the internet reacts."

But I don't know why anyone gets annoyed by that since it's quite obvious.
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NigNogs: I doubt Gallanbeast is doing this for some race baiting bullshit, man.
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Anonymous7: @NigNogs: Probably not, but the commissioner probably was. Jalabar Xho is nothing but a darkest Africa stereotype barely mentioned a handful of times in the SOIAF books.

That touches on the problem though. The influx of blatant race fetishism has made it harder to tell it from just plain interracial. It's the same extremely vocal and annoying as fuck minority representing the majority problem you can find anywhere else.
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GetBLACKED: @Pilsner: No I don't understand. Because im not a sissy ass bitch who gets annoyed over such trivial things.
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zenzaxaznez: I didn't even think of their skin color before I made the mistake of reading the comments.

I came here to fap to Margaery getting pounded and that's what I'm going to do. It's an awesome animation.
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Anonymous8: @zenzaxaznez: To be fair you also came here to announce your moral superiority to everyone else.
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: "Not being an idiot" is a pretty good way to be able to tell the difference I've found. Also, propping up the vocal minority out of faux concern, while the majority of people can see the difference, doesn't help either.
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: So even when there's no context of any sort of race based humiliation, you still have losers trying to make it out as that. Via phony concern over "what others" might think, and clutching their pearls over hypotheticals in a "fear-mongering fashion."

This shit is ridiculously transparent.
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: LOL! Oh stop with your pathetic persecution complex, already. You fucking ego-maniac. Not everything is created as a slight against you. Get the fuck over yourselves already.
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Anonymous12: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: user image
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Anonymous13: @Anonymous: > No argument
> Meme pic
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Anonymous14: @Anonymous: user image
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous: Swing and a miss. No green text was generated. And that format isn't unique to 4chan. Get a better meme pic.
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Anonymous16: @Anonymous: user image
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GetBLACKED: @Anonymous: Curious, where else besides 4chan (and obviously the other chans) do sites use green text?
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Anonymous17: @Anonymous: If that is a same fag, is he wrong, though? Doesn't seem like it.
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Dakushna: the most useless noble of Westeros: Jalabar Xho
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Dakushna: @Pilsner: he's a baiting, professional, troll and you're taking his bait (and feeding him too)
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Anonymous18: @Anonymous: user image
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GetBLACKED: @Dakushna: The only people who can get "baited" and "trolled" by me are dumbasses. Just let the dumbasses be dumbasses.

Also anyone who thinks i'm a professional troll is a dumbass.
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asdfasdf: Make porn you like, people misconstrue your efforts as trolling.
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Anonymous19: @Dakushna: how is @GetBLACKED trolling? what he says makes 100% sense if you're a real mature adults unlike the white "adult" trashes who acts like whiny kids that dont make any sense at all. dont like interracial dont watch it, simple but white racists will always comments or otherwise its easily ignorable lol
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MiguelHuerta: troll
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Anonymous20: looks like she is taking ashit
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GetBLACKED: @Anonymous: Your brain must be all KINDS of fucked up to see that.
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CatMario: lame youporn
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Anonymous21: white guys reaction = ‎(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
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nickftwd: If you're a man focused on the guy I got bad news for you...