mehgusta: @Anonymous: what? did you never looked at tali porn pics before? her head literary always looks like this, without her helmet. nobody will point that out because they are already familiar with that look.
also you probably mean her hair.(because i think her head is custom)
as to why that is: in the whole mass effect sage there is no quarian to be seen without it's helmet. you just get a picture of a random model bioware used with some lens flare and photoshop on it, if you romanced her.
the hair of that model resembles that of fang. so that hair-mesh was reused by some sfm-modder
also you probably mean her hair.(because i think her head is custom)
as to why that is: in the whole mass effect sage there is no quarian to be seen without it's helmet. you just get a picture of a random model bioware used with some lens flare and photoshop on it, if you romanced her.
the hair of that model resembles that of fang. so that hair-mesh was reused by some sfm-modder