Anonymous1: @IndianStud You're entitled to your opinion, free speech and all that, go hog crazy. Just be aware that you're puking all over somebody's hard work when you shitpost. He doesn't owe you anything unless you're commissioning. At least try to be decent to the artist even if you don't appreciate all of his work. I won't make race a big deal, because it isn't, it's this all too prevalent spoiled rotten attitude that's so pathetic. Don't trash the artist for not catering to you when he doesn't even owe you anything.
Anonymous2: @Anonymous: Except this isn't a commission either, it's a request by a thinly veiled bbcuck. And IS did not criticize the execution itself, especially not " all of his work". Your comment, as a whole, is irrelevant.
Kreamu: @Galleon: Kek. Do you automatically downvotes my ones that doesnt have a black variant either? If you want a white variant just ask for it you manchild.
Anonymous4: @Kreamu: Are you new here or something? You should know that people on Rule34Hentai are eternally butthurt over black guys fucking their favorite girls. They're insecure to the point that seeing fictional blacks fuck fictional characters actually hurt their wittle feewings
Already asked, never done faggot. And you, not making a black variant ? fuckin' lol, i just have to click on your pseudonyme and see your work to see that you rarely forgot the ir variant. Dude, even in one of your animations, you managed to put black guys in the white version :
Shit, so, if i complain about my so called "favorite girls" being fucked by dogs or horses, it's certainly because i feel insecure and not because i just don't like it... to be this retarded should not be allowed.
Hahaha! You whiny faggots are awesome! So much butt-hurt in this comment's section. I love it!
Inb4 Feel Good Reactionary BS of "Hez uh cuck tooz!"
@Galleon: Why would you feel insecure over them fucking a dog or a horse? They're not even dudes. You're a fucking moron. Go cry in the corner some more.
So why would i feel insecure about blacks fucking white women ? The fact is, you try to psychoanalysis peoples based on there likes or dislikes. No, there is no insecurity when people say "i hate interracial porn" the same when people say "i hate bestiality" but i could have taken another exemple with loli or futa. it's the same. When someone says "cuck" . you ir lovers arrive and start insulting everyone who don't have your taste in cuck porn when you could ignore them in the first place :).
@Kreamu: I don't have the same pseudonyme on tumbrl. I already asked some time ago for an alternative version, no answer. I'm not attached to pixel dude, unlike you, i don't spend several hours of my life locked in my room to animate fictional character to please people. The only one irritated here, it's you, and the other roodypoo cock lover, The only thing i've said was that i downvote. you've answered me by insulting me...
Anonymous7: @Galleon: wait let me butt in here. So basically by looking down on him, you're looking down on ALL SFM creators who spends "several hours of their lives" animating fictional women... Yet you're here jacking off fictional women that THEY animated and start bitching about how FICTIONAL women shouldnt be banging black dudes...And your bragging about it like that's not way fucking weirder than having a hobby animating... Mate you're clearly the one here who's way too fucking obsessed with pixels here.
Not to mention you try to claim you're not irritated. Yet you end off every comment with "sigh". A clear sign if irritation and/or frustration...
Jesus fucking Christ. Is this fucking real life? I thought you were a serious person, but now i just think youre just another one of those trolls. Either that or one super fucking self entitled pick.
Anonymous8: @Galleon: Well since you social retards actively click things that you dislike, just to bitch, it's not hard to accurately psychoanalyze your behavior.
No moderately intelligent person actively seeks out the shit they hate. The only people who do that are trolls (with insecurities), or people with a victim complex who want to cry when they're called out for being stupid.
You're also too dumb to know the different between humans and horses. In relation to you obviously feeling insecure over the former, while being too dumb to realize why no one would feel that way over the latter.
But keep bitching as a nice coping mechanism there, faggot. Nothing will ever change/make these cease to exist.
Anonymous9: @Revan-: "Fictional white women that I formed an unhealthy attachment to, and are married to, in my mind! They should only be with ME! Or a faceless white torso that I can PRETEND is me! Pairing them with dark dicks is them cuckolding me!"
Galleon: @Anonymous:
I only downvoted that, you're bitching around, like i had insulted your mother and shit. i don't seek anithing dumbass
Galleon: **dumbass, i came in here to see if there was a white version, there was none, i downvoted, plain and simple, and you roody poo lover, start bitching.
You keep returning here, like people are insulting your mother and shit. You downvoted but then you kept splerging here like a real entitled moron, because someone made something you don't like. Then you were shown to be a lying dumbass by the creator, over your claim that you requested a white version. You keep digging your grave deeper and deeper you silly fuck. LOL!
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Already asked, never done faggot. And you, not making a black variant ? fuckin' lol, i just have to click on your pseudonyme and see your work to see that you rarely forgot the ir variant. Dude, even in one of your animations, you managed to put black guys in the white version :
*sigh* the cuck is strong with this one.
Shit, so, if i complain about my so called "favorite girls" being fucked by dogs or horses, it's certainly because i feel insecure and not because i just don't like it... to be this retarded should not be allowed.
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Ay mate. Try being less attached to fictional women so much. It seems like it really irritating you.
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Hahaha! You whiny faggots are awesome! So much butt-hurt in this comment's section. I love it!
Inb4 Feel Good Reactionary BS of "Hez uh cuck tooz!"
@Galleon: Why would you feel insecure over them fucking a dog or a horse? They're not even dudes. You're a fucking moron. Go cry in the corner some more.
So why would i feel insecure about blacks fucking white women ? The fact is, you try to psychoanalysis peoples based on there likes or dislikes. No, there is no insecurity when people say "i hate interracial porn" the same when people say "i hate bestiality" but i could have taken another exemple with loli or futa. it's the same. When someone says "cuck" . you ir lovers arrive and start insulting everyone who don't have your taste in cuck porn when you could ignore them in the first place :).
@Kreamu: I don't have the same pseudonyme on tumbrl. I already asked some time ago for an alternative version, no answer. I'm not attached to pixel dude, unlike you, i don't spend several hours of my life locked in my room to animate fictional character to please people. The only one irritated here, it's you, and the other roodypoo cock lover, The only thing i've said was that i downvote. you've answered me by insulting me...
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Not to mention you try to claim you're not irritated. Yet you end off every comment with "sigh". A clear sign if irritation and/or frustration...
Jesus fucking Christ. Is this fucking real life? I thought you were a serious person, but now i just think youre just another one of those trolls. Either that or one super fucking self entitled pick.
No moderately intelligent person actively seeks out the shit they hate. The only people who do that are trolls (with insecurities), or people with a victim complex who want to cry when they're called out for being stupid.
You're also too dumb to know the different between humans and horses. In relation to you obviously feeling insecure over the former, while being too dumb to realize why no one would feel that way over the latter.
But keep bitching as a nice coping mechanism there, faggot. Nothing will ever change/make these cease to exist.
I only downvoted that, you're bitching around, like i had insulted your mother and shit. i don't seek anithing dumbass
If I may interject....
"Holy Projections Batman!"
You keep returning here, like people are insulting your mother and shit. You downvoted but then you kept splerging here like a real entitled moron, because someone made something you don't like. Then you were shown to be a lying dumbass by the creator, over your claim that you requested a white version. You keep digging your grave deeper and deeper you silly fuck. LOL!