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Anonymous1: This is a good job!
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Nipplesthesuperhippo: Fuck that Aussie slut!
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Anonymous2: MORE PLEASE!!
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pastabox: we need more vanille, like a lot more
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Greywolf: @pastabox: Seconded
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alphaangel: I wonder why vanille is not more popular.
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diablo45: need more ff-13 characters. Lightning, vanille, fang, from the master Secaz
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upann: Thanks for posting this.

Can't believe Secazz places his artworks behind a paywall. What a scumbag.
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ecchiiyuuki: sound
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glenQuagmire547: LEGEND

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KingJCT7: We need more SFM animations of Vanille!
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Dijitz: @upann: Why because the time he puts into it isn't worth some kind of compensation. You're enjoying it aren't you otherwise you wouldn't be complaining. Do you have a job I'll assume that you're a scumbag to for not doing what you do for free. Maybe I am too for providing my knowledge and skill set at work and wanting money for it. Matter fact the whole world is full of scumbags everyone should do things without ever hoping for any kind of compensation.

Congratulations, you have opened my eyes to how horrid the world truly is. The human race is all scumbags!
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USAgent: M O R E
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Esdeath01: this is bad, the light is too dark, we cant see vanille face nor her thigh skin, well i see it for free, but seeing him open patreon for this kind of work, meh, better support other animator