Anonymous3: i think the tumblr of secaz should have it in a week or so because it says on his/her patron that the animation are usually released in a week after they are posted to tumblr
cool-dude: I really like that she talks to the audience and describes what is happening as it is happening. the level of professionalism in this one is impressive. You should consider expanding more on this narrative idea that is shown in this piece.
Anonymous4: @SSSonic: You can't be possibly this dense? Blizzard just went on a DMCA and banning spree on everyone who did Overwatch porn like a month ago and you ask if she has an actual *ingame* dialogue where talks about cocks rubbing on her ass?
Yeah, I am pretty sure you are fucking retarded, no matter what age you are. Please don!t procreate.
- Reply
it's not a porn game you moron
Yeah, I am pretty sure you are fucking retarded, no matter what age you are. Please don!t procreate.