Sign up for a premium account on Subscribestar or Unifans for AD FREE VIEWING = NO POPS ON ALL DEVICES. Video Title Uploader Rastafarian, May 31, 2016; 21:11 Tags 3D Animated Metroid Samus_Aran Sarah_Bryant Sound Source_Filmmaker Virtua_Fighter noname55 Source Locked No Rating Unrated Comments January 9, 2019; 00:55 - Reply millerlord: Why all these old posts came up? January 9, 2019; 01:03 - Reply Anonymous1: @millerlord It's Rasta and his stupid "reblog" crap. Search with order=id_desc to sort by new posts. February 13, 2019; 09:15 - Reply Anonymous2: Sarah Bryant? I don't think so. February 13, 2019; 09:52 - Reply aryan826: ikr i still dont know why but basicaly all the samus and sahar post are taged wiht both of them. confuses me February 13, 2019; 16:57 - Reply donkboy: A Samus Sarah Bryant look alike modeler made it as April 27, 2020; 08:06 - Reply 8i8: because everyone uses the Sarah Bryant from DOA to remake Samus because the smash model is to hard to use. but to all DOA players and VF players all they see is Sarah not Samus because it's not Samus lol
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