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Dudefree: I started to use SFM two days ago and just finished my first animation. So I would highly appreciate any feedback. :-)
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Anonky12: First time? Damn, dude.
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Dudefree: Used TK17 before, so there maybe are some skills, I could use in SFM as well.
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asdf64: You're damn fantastic, hopefully more Triss anims in the future :)
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Rofel123456: More Triss!
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kytolobraven: This is pretty awesome for a first go.

Admittedly, I have no experience with animation, but you might try to fix the shadows and sunken look of Triss's eyes when they're closed. I tend to think eye posing (and shadows) is what separates good animations from great animations.

You're definitely on my radar of artists to follow now though.
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Dudefree: Thanks for your constructive feedback, kytolobraven. Light is for sure one big topic, I have to put work into - since the possibilities are so great in SFM.
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Anonymous1: For viewer convenience, upload your movie as a smaller webm.

Use some very low intensity bounce lights in the shadows, especially on the leg because there would be light reflected off the Ciri's back. Maybe a bit more radius on your key light to blur the shadow on the sword. Keep the shadowfiltersize as low as possible without introducing jagged edges to keep close shadows well defined.

Triss's head and neck movement could be less in sync with the body. Also, people often keep their head pointed in roughly the same direction when their body moves. Try a bit more collar bone movement, maybe delayed by one or two frames, especially as Triss bends forward.

The hair clipping is distracting. I don't know that model, but the neck movement doesn't seem right.

Ten times better than anything I achieved after two days.
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Dudefree: @Anonymous: Thank you for your detailed feedback. I will try out your tips in my next animation and hope for another helpful look from your side. :-)
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kawaiidetective: to me biggest thing is ciris head, use the pelvis and spines to give motion rather than drag the head. you can cheat a bit and move on some bones but rarely the head / neck.
also consider shifting triss' spine2 out of synch with spines0 and 1 by a keyframe it will break up that fixed back and forth point at each direction change and give it a more organic look