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Prussian-Pride: full of fail
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Sapiens1: boring shit
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Allergy: Everytime i see our bro coach in the thumbnail i just have to come in and see all the butthurt comments! LOL you boys never fail to amuse
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linkmasterson: the things coach is doing for his chocolate helicopter

he is now time travelling to find his helicopter and everyone just wants to have sex with him

1 like on this gif is a free chocolate helicopter for coach! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Valwin80: @Allergy: piss poor nig detected
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Snowman4001: My Man Coach!!!! Nice A little harder and faster and we've got GOLD!
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HardSpanker: Needs to be much rougher sex
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coldbluu: goddamn it Coach stop it, ur showin up to much man
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diblob: Great stuff, and bollocks to the haters!
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Anonymous1: -_- *_* o_o O_O ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)
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USAgent: Tender Lovin' Coach. Always great to view some TLC.
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Forearm666: Why do people insist on uploading stuff before they've actually gotten good at animating?
I understand you have to start somewhere, but you can just delete your practice animations after you've done them, you don't have to put them out there.
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oriondeth: faster,faster,FASTER
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USAgent: @M1_Account: Because constructive criticism is as thing. How would an animator know they're good or that they're improving if they don't share it?
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atozed: coach aint my thing but I gotta admit for people making these, having something other than a generic muscle dude must have some novelty.

You'd think nerds would be less angry about a fat guy, considering.
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Frankenfran: I guess I'll stop commissioning this gent
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Scolpol: Where u got the map?