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xxxlatinoxxx: FUCK YEAH
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djmasler: Coming out of left field with Martha Wayne!
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aryan826: do people really like black dudes that much?
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Anonymous1: @aryan826: Do you have a fetish for white dicks or something? Why don't you go suck on one then for fucks sakes.
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DarkRoxasXV: oh no a blck guy. im gon complain bout it in de coments instead of ignoring it cuz i aint got no life. so fcking triggered rn omg
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: go to ghetto and get raped by gay blacks u fucklord
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: Oh look, a faggot was triggered.
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owar24: Fucking awasome! Please more of martha wayne
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Anonymous4: @aryan826: yes, especially white women loves them BBC, its a fact just do some research ^^
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Anonymous5: I love it even when 2 post back is the white guy one not one comment. why even post he does 2 versions to please every one and yet some one has to go off and talk shit
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Anonymous6: This is what really happened to Bruce's mom.
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: I thought your name was ironic
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kazuo: gay
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AryanTEARS: @aryan826: Some of us ARE black dudes. I have no idea why people have the idea that only white people watch porn.
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Dakushna: the cuck fanclub is all here
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Dakushna: @Anonymous: that's baiting, edgelord
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DNSDies: The problem with black penises is that they resemble a log of shit, and I'm not into scat.
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Anonymous8: @DNSDies: The problem with white penises as that they resemble pigs skin. And i'm not into beastiality.
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UndeadSaddam: trash
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CreampieFan69: @UndeadSaddam: It's okay, everyone already knows you are.
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Anonymous9: once you go black you never go back
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SwHotRod: @Anonymous: because they kill you after the rape
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Hardened: I'm not sure why you guys are so mad. She's just giving him a blowjob, not help with his delinquent utility bills and child support payments.
Chill the fuck out.

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wkl99: Why does it matter? The only difference is in shading of pixels on your screens. Change it a little bit more and the cock is violet. Anyone has something against violet penises?
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Anonymous10: #BigBlackCocksMatter
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Anonymous11: Xenophobes everywhere.
Great job Hazard, this is wonderful stuff!
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Mageta: cucks everywhere
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Anonymous12: #InsecureWhiteBoys #TinyWhiteCocks
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DNSDies: @Anonymous: White penises look nothing like pig skin. Pigs are brown or pink. Have you never seen a live pig in your life?
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Rusbear77: @Anonymous: @Anonymous:
insecure black bois, no brain, no job
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Anonymous13: @DNSDies: Pigs are also super pale. They don't look pink like something out of a children's coloring book. Apparently YOU have never seen a live pig in YOUR life, moron. ROFL!
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Revan-: @Rusbear77: memeing can kill

dont meme, kids
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MiguelHuerta: @Anonymous: @Anonymous:
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Anonymous14: #WhitesGonnaBitch
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geromy: Everyone in this comment section is a faggot including me
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Anonymous15: im so happy my skin isnt the color of shit and ashy black people r gross imho and how come their english is so poor if theyre native???? they say shit like " they was" lmao fucking retarded nigs
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Anonymous16: is she puking shit??
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Anonymous17: @Anonymous: The irony of this post is amusing.