lesdias-nsfw: @onsoka: It's not behind paywall, I mean you see the video right here lol my blog is down so this is the only place where it's up because I'm trying to fix this shit with tumblr.
Anonymous2: of course is pay wall you idiots, cause in the patreom shit you need to pay for this crap, just with the excuse that "you help me keep working" and "if you pay can get acces to my animated stuff" mp4 and some more, here is just a webm video incrusted in the website, you guys look like born yesterday...
onsoka: @lesdias-nsfw: dude, is okay... my first comment was not to you, I complained about juliojakers new videos "for public" and " patron", i confuse the windows in the browser cause is was looking for some overwash animations...
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fuckin jews!
they keep idiots like ardvark but shut down good animators, smh.