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oYlihan: 3ds Max scene I exported to Unity, focusing mostly on material shading, expression, jiggle bones and sound effects. It has a lot of shaders and post progressing going on in the background. Next time I create something like this though, it will feature more user input than looking around and observing.
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lfufo: sound?
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oYlihan: It's a still image my friend. Click the source.
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Anonymous1: Nsh
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edipls: Wow, this is great! Amazing work.
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Alright, here's another update, with amateurishly programmed user input, featuring:

-A pleasure meter and clickable icons
-Multiple camera angles (Camera is fixed in rotation now, makes it easier to click stuff)
-Toggleable top
-Three switchable hairstyles
-Three different face morph options
-Added fingering single/double
(Wait till the current animation is done, it's not a bug, but it makes sure that it transitions better)
-Toggleable scar
-Dynamic animation speed
-Layered system for animations and sounds
-Dynamic blushing connected to pleasure meter
-Orgasm (Paz will go into a infinite idle after that.)

-Not really a feature but eh, very likely, a few bugs and inaccuracies.
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Anonymous2: Awesome!
Miss the camera movement, though.
Can't you add a free look mode that can be reset by a key or something?
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Anonymous3: Should be possible. Will look into that later.
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oYlihan: New version:

-Cleaned up files, should be equal in filesize. (Even tho I added in new models)
-Camera's now all have ability to look around by holding down the left mouse button.
-Third camera is an orbit around Paz.
-Floor while 3rd camera is active has screen space reflections.
-Added in a reference to Ground Zeroes I found funny.
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Anonymous4: You played us like a DAMN FIDDLEEEE!!!
Honestly, though, awesome job!
Now the only thing left would be a reset button once she climaxes, maybe a fade to black to reload the scene.
Also, since you are putting so much effort into this, you might want to create a new screenshot to start a new post here to raise awareness.
But, seriously, amazing job! The reflection was great as well. You sure know your unity (and your fiddles!)
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Anonymous5: Do you have a blof where you upload your stuff other than here? 'Cause it's been amazing so far!
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oYlihan: "You played us like a DAMN FIDDLEEEE!!!"
Haha, you got it! :D

"Now the only thing left would be a reset button once she climaxes, maybe a fade to black to reload the scene."
Yes, I could look into that. Most likely possible without needing to reload the scene.

"Also, since you are putting so much effort into this, you might want to create a new screenshot to start a new post here to raise awareness."
I feel like spamming when I do that and I think it's already enough that commenting gets it to the home page.

"But, seriously, amazing job! The reflection was great as well. You sure know your unity (and your fiddles!)"
Lol, Thanks. Programming has improved lately but graphics wise, it's not 100% pretty yet.
My current old specs don't allow me to bake in global illumination into the interior. Only when using very low settings, which take way too long to bake and look ugly.

"Do you have a blof where you upload your stuff other than here? 'Cause it's been amazing so far!"
A blog? No. Haven't thought about doing that. I like this site enough to post it here.
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oYlihan: Here's a version in which you can restart:

Had to do it by reloading the scene, which means all settings will be reset to their defaults. Some tweaks done to the 'HDR eye adaption speed' and added a fps meter toggled by pressing F.
Speaking of fps, was also looking into something rather interesting and heavy on framespeed. Screen space fluids created from particles, which allow you to simulate realtime water effects and what more.
But that's actually way beyond (it's time) cough* what my computer can handle.
Btw, if someone has animations other than in Source Filmmaker, and wants to get them into Unity, feel free to ask me for help.
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Anonymous6: That's amazing!
I'll try it as soon as I have the time!
(yeah, I meant blog, but my finger slipped, ha ha ha!) But I see there's a good ammount of feedback going on here.

Fluid effects? Hmmm... Is Paz gonna make a mess? If it's too performance heavy, I'd rely on a simple particle animation with alpha textures. Get's the job done.
But if you are doing it to test stuff and learn, please do so, it'll be interesting to see.

I know (because of the blog of robotinvader, the creators of Dead Secret, a graphic adventure created in Unity, that the latest Unity engine has this funky way of handling lighting, which makes it hard to bake GI from the engine itself.
I don't know what software are you using to create / prepare / animate the assets, but if it's 3D Max, it could be possible to bake the lighting in that, then export the model to Unity and try to replicate the positions of lighs.

Ha, ha, ha! It's gotten to a point in which I'm not invested in Paz having fun with herself anymore, rather than your talent into putting this together as a short minigame and the high fidelity of it all!
I'm an animator and CG artist (I work with 3DMax, mostly), and I'm really interested in getting into Unity. Many people dismiss it as a lame engine and criticise the visual fidelity of games created with it, but you came to show that, as long as the assets are properly modelled, textured and treated, the results can look as professional as any commercial game. I have MGS V and this minigame of yours doesn't look any worse than the similar room in the game.
Also, while worse looking (professional) Unity games struggle in my 9 year old computer, yours works surprisingly well!
I think the issue with many Unity games is that people don't dedicate enough time or dexterity into creating the assets, which is puzzling considering the tools we have today, some even for free, specially sculpting tools like sculptrix (in which you can import your low poly mesh, and that should allow to create a high-poly detail mesh from which to extract the normal maps). As much as I liked NightCry, for instance, the characters almost have no ammount of normal mapping, and while some rooms look good, there are several which are textured in a very amateurish way, with simplistic textures that lack detail and depth. Seeing a piece (even if it's a kinky one) of the Phantom Pain in Unity with so much fidelity is quite revealing and an indicator of what could be done with it given the time and talent.
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oYlihan: Yeah I thought about using it for cum effects and/or squirting.
I could make some tests later with particle effects. Most important thing is, fluid is glossy, slightly refracts and blurs the underlaying surfaces.
If it's not doing that, it won't look realistic.

You'll lose texture quality and uv's when rendering to texture in 3ds max, if that's what you mean. You can bake while remaining the uv's but it'll require much work and splitting up the pieces of the walls and other props. And when you've completed it, you will be unable to move stuff around. :P
I'm actually planning on buying a new asset with a very advanced shader library soon. It's called SEGI. It'll dynamically lit and bounce light instead of baking it.
Yes, I use 3ds max and create each animation separately and export them as fbx. After that, I add them to Unity's animator one by one and put them in additive layers. So f.e. the facial animation is on top of the body animation. The pelvis and hand movement is an extra layer that gradually becomes more intense and apparent while it's weight is being increased by the amount of pleasure from the interface.

Nice that you want to pick Unity up. It's improvements have been going fast since the last years. C# is pretty easy if you're familiar with other programming languages. The rest of Unity's UI is super straightforward. There's also a very cool community and asset store.

"Many people dismiss it as a lame engine and criticize the visual fidelity of games created with it, but you came to show that, as long as the assets are properly modeled, textured and treated, the results can look as professional as any commercial game. I have MGS V and this minigame of yours doesn't look any worse than the similar room in the game."
Except for MGS's alien lens flares going on in the cutscene, pretty much yes. xD
As for engine being criticized, so is every other engine. That's why there's competition going on between different companies.
I'd say, if you cannot pull something off, it's the users lack of knowledge.

"Also, while worse looking.. given the time and talent."
Problem with commercial game companies is that there's a deadline for both the artist and programmer. So eventually they'll have to rush or leave certain things be.
Worse of it all is that when a game is being created for a different platform, let's say Playstation 4, the artist's original textures will be shrunken down by 4 times most of the time. f.e., original texture was 4096px, now it's 1024px. Hideo Kojima is one of the few who doesn't allow that.
On top of this, one designer will never do all the environments. So one room looking better could be directed to the person who created it.

"It's gotten to a point in which I'm not invested in Paz having fun with herself anymore"
I was planning on implementing more hardcore sexual content, featuring animations created by Leito86, but it's a lot of work to do alone and It'll have to be the same, if not better quality than this animation. And most important is, do people want it to be Snake? Or is another male model fine too?
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Anonymous7: Tried the latest version. Amazing! Now it's a full fledged minigame.

I feel curious. How do you texture a character in 3dmax so that they are properly textured in unity? Standard material with diffuse, bump (normal bump) and specular highlights? Or do you need some special kind of map, like a direct3d one?
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oYlihan: Here's the process involved with any model I work with:
I extract the SFM model with Crowbar, convert every vta into png, import the cq with all the smd's into Blender with Source Tools, export as fbx, import fbx into Max and then refer to all png textures.
Then I leave the T-pose as is. Save a new scene, put ik chains on thighs - feet, upper arms - hand and you can easily animate stuff.
When the animation is finished, I export as fbx and bake the animation so it's ready to use for Unity.

I believe they're all directX based shaders, but I'm not sure. The standard of Unity 5 is physical based shading, so I use it for almost every material,
with an realtime reflection probe attached to the camera's position.
But the skin, eyes, mouth and hair of characters have a separate shader and material. The shader for the skin is called pre-intergraded sub surface scattering 2.3
and it makes sure that light reflects and bounces of differently than it would with the standard shader. (Huge difference, looks like plastic doll when using standard)
With this shader, there's also an depth map property that allows you to control which parts of skin are more thin than others. f.e. the ears, eyelids and nose. You can render a depth map within 3ds max's mental ray and still use the same uv's. (No skill needed for render to texture.)
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Anonymous8: I had no idea that there was a way to control a sss material in unity!
Hell, I'd need to check in which map slot the png textures go in max, but I feel really curious about trying it.
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Anonymous9: I'd ike to ask a couple of things, though:
-when you say you refer to all the png textures, that means that you enter in every map slot and look for the file path, right?
If so, what kind of material is it? A default max material? A mental ray material? Also, how many maps does the material have in a character like this? (As in, diffuse, specular level, bump...)
-In max, when creating a sub surface skin material you have to create a series of textures for each layer of skin, as in, subdermal and stuff. To my understanding, Unity does only need the one skin texture for diffuese, right?
-Could it be possible that you uploaded the textures of her to a site like photobucket and post the links here? I feel curious about that depth map. How do you render to texture the depth? I mean, for a normal map, you need two sets of geometry, and for pre-baked shadows, you need to place lights and stuff. What do you do for a depth map in a model that already has a normal map and stuff?
-lastly, do you have to create a file for every animation? Does simple keyframing work?

Sorry if it's too many questions, it's just that, should I ever create a character and import it into unity, I'd like to do it properly.
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Anonymous10: OMG! I just learned that Unity supports BlendShapes, which means facial animations can be achieve via morph modifyer. That's great news since I love the simplicity of just sliding a value versus having to fully rig a face with a thousand bones for micro expresions and whatnot. I always got perfect lipsync with morph too.
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Anonymous11: I've been investigating and I found this terribly informative video regarding characters and unity:
but still, I'd really appreciate your input on the matter
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oYlihan: A lot of good questions, I appreciate your interest. :)
Yes, I refer to the png's by putting the right file into the slot. It's guessing which material id has which texture at first, but easily done.

"If so, what kind of material... specular level, bump...)"
Just a default blinn material. I don't really do anything special in 3ds max but animating the character and camera if needed. So I don't put on any other material slot of the shader in 3ds max. I do keep the normal map file ready for Unity.

The depth map is a trick done by baking in ambient occlusion with inverted normals and colors. It's hard to explain really, but it's an absolutely genius technique.
Here's a video from the creator of the skin shader doing that exact thing:
Try to pay close attention to all settings and you'll get there. (Uv maps need to be IN BOUNDS! Or the baked map will end up completely blank)

Open up these two images I uploaded to see how the depth map is using the same uv:

The ears, nose and eyelids are thin skin so they are white and the rest is black.

"lastly, do you have to create a file for every animation? Does simple keyframing work?"
Yes, it works as you export the animation sequence to fbx. I must mention something important tho. The starting pose must remain 100% identical on the start of each new animation. You can cut that starting pose out of the animation later but it's not going to loop seamlessly if one of the bones aren't aligned the same as the previously animation. (Bones will jerk or pop.)

"OMG! I just learned that Unity supports BlendShapes, which means facial animations can be achieve via morph modifyer. That's great news since I love the simplicity of just sliding a value versus having to fully rig a face with a thousand bones for micro expresions and whatnot. I always got perfect lipsync with morph too."
Haha, finally someone who gets it!
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Anonymous12: Thanks for all of the answers!

Regarding the starting pose, yo mean that in every walk/run cycle, I have to include the character standing in an idle position before and after the cycle?
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oYlihan: Only starting position. Preferably on frame 0.
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Anonymous13: So you basically add the standard T-pose to every cycle in frame 0? Won't that mess with the animation cycle itself because of having to go from that position to the walking or running cycle?
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oYlihan: It something you have to notice yourself. It has to do with the baking of animation. The fbx thinks the starting pose (the pose as if the skin modifier wasn't there) is the starting pose, so when frame 0 on walking isn't the same as frame 0 on idle, it will look faulty. You need to have that same starting pose on each animation as a keyframe and you can cut that out later. Now the bones won't jerk/pop and it still remember where to rotate the bones from.
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Krieg: Awesome.
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Anonymous14: oYlihan, sorry for not checking back to say thank you for your last answer. I've been tinkering with mixamo and stuff, and I have so many questions about Unity, morphing targets and stuff. Is there a way I can reach you in a... less joyful environment? Like, can I send you a private message to exchange e-mails or something?
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oYlihan: Sure, I have been busy lately. But I have free time tomorrow.
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Anonymous15: Will send you a private message as soon as I have the time to create an account and stuff. TTYL!
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Anonymous16: Awesome work. Have you thought of adding in a secondary camera with VR support? I know steamVR has a camera rig drop in that makes it easy too render to VR. Adding teleport/motion controls is a bit more work but just having VR output would be great.
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kenwood31415: @oYlihan: Not sure if you still check here, but the mediafire links are gone. Do you still happen to have a copy? 'cause it looks amazing! Maybe Google Drive or Mega will last longer?
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ENOX: Link is dead
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helc: Link is dead, anywhere else we can find this?