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Anonymous1: Don't forget to kill yourself op
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IndianStud: what waste
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Uncle-Sam77: 12 votes in 1 minute? what the fuck!
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suckit66: why monkeys
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Monkeyman79: @Uncle-Sam77: it's cheating, just like in two other IR posts. I wonder who's the culprit
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Lazag472: Nice, but way too long for the same position and sound.
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Windmill-Haas: some Coach loving faggot is going around commissioning shit
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Anonymous2: Coach has clones? wtf is this
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Anonymous3: call me fucking crazy but i think all this BLACKED interracial horse shit cuckfest shit is propaganda to get people to hate eachother even more because it's in their fap-space where they would want to get away from all this anti-white, anti-black race baiting in the media. now watch me get assassinated / banned
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Anonymous4: @Monkeyman79: Not that I'm calling you and your buddy Sam liars or anything, but... How do you "cheat" on a porn site? Is there some sort of competition going on around here, do we get special prizes? If so, where can I sign up?
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: shilling for gains and control. simple but you don't look at who's making the porn do ye
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Anonymous6: at some point this already became boring, always the same shit.
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aryan826: i give it 9/10 for the fist 1 min. then 2/10 for the rest
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Ashmount: I have to say the animation and the quality is really good. My only complaint is Coach. I don't mind Coach to be honest, but there are like three Coach and that's annoying. Reason is that there should have been different characters that could have been added with Coach instead of making more of the same character. Add a white guy. Add an Asian guy. Hell, add a Castanic guy into the mix. Add these guys with Coach instead of making more of him. I feel like this needs more variants of characters instead of the same one. Also no gangbang
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Anonymous7: -8 because of multiple same characters
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deadxx: needs about 8 more coaches
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Mashiro: disgust
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Pilsner: the fail continues
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xstrike: @Anonymous3 people hating each other over fap material? Seriously?

Anyway, great animation.
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Prussian-Pride: nazist propaganda worked like this
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Snowman4001: Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wouldve liked to have seen some more positions and the other guys get some action but still gold. Thank you to all the negative comments to they only feed the flames to produce more coach SFM Lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous8: Look at all these UMADS
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Anonymous9: This was actually pretty good. But it's kinda too long for the 1 position it contains. If it were 3 positions this would've been great
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jericho740: Good animation...good sound effects...but again what is it with all the black guys?
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Comrade_Usop: @deadxx: @Snowman4001: @Anonymous:
die, asshole
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Anonymous10: Good stuff, but, yeah, why the same, three models for the "antagonists?"
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Anonymous11: thats some cheeseburger apocalypse
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Vikihole: absolutely gross
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tuaraag: Wy too damn hot for this site and excellent animation!!
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deadxx: @Comrade_Usop:
lol fuck you. you clearly can't tell when someone is making a joke.
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Patrek: atrocious
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Anonymous12: when i see the comments here, i understand why United states carry the most dumbiest population in the world, keep going guy.
We will hard laugh when Trump will lead you to the fail =D
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Zithan: Tbh, the one I am sick of seeing is Elizabeth, I never care about the men in porn anyway, there could be 50 of the same guy and I wouldn't care.
Elizabeth already had 56 pages on this site, and a majority of it is pretty good quality stuff, would love to see more of other girls.
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Anonymous13: gas unitestatians
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Anonymous14: This was fucking hilarious, theres no way generalblack is doing this as satire