Anonymous1: Well it happens, people like other people whether similar or different. What is the issue with it anyway? It simply adds to the collection like every other vid.
Violater: @Anonymous: You have to notice that users like the one above flood every vid like this to say the same thing over and over. it's just a defense mechanism for an inferiority complex. They will get help Irl hopefully someday :)
CreampieFan69: You faggots do realize there is a white version of this on this very site, right? Or are you just that desparate to pretend your victims? I've said it before and I'll say it again: Shut the fuck up and go cry over 3D pixels getting fucked somewhere else.
Shwoop: Clearly interracial isn't the problem since Clementine getting with white dudes is popular on here, people only complain when their feelings are hurt, funny to watch really.
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