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bigbuddah: Niceeeee!
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Anonymous1: Why pull out? It could have been the canonical creation of Pharah. :(
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Anonymous2: Yeah. Next time have him blow his load deep inside that big titted brown butt bitch.
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tailz14: Very hot.
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aryan826: 13
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Violater: Welp....Looks like im gonna need a big bag of ICE tonight thanks to this Ana.
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Shadowskill11: Hmm... white guy fucking an African woman = awesome. But black guy fucking white chick = racist comment fodder / SFM maker lols?
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Greywolf: @Shadowskill11: That's about the size of it, Shadow. Welcome to rule 34.
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Anonymous3: @Shadowskill11: wow, you are such a fucking beta cuck. Actually referring to blacks as "africans" you probably say things like "why do nice guys always finish last" etc dont you? must suck to be some dorky white faggot cuck
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Anonymous4: @Shadowskill11: I don't see the problem :)
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Anonymous5: Another idiot throwing around a word he doesn't understand...
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asdfasdf: @Anonymous: ...But she's literally African. She comes from Egypt.
Well I suppose that's ethnically closer to Arabs but whatever.
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Froggy: @asdfasdf: People from the far north of Africa are not refered to as Africans, actually.

Citizens from Maroc, Tunisia, Algeria, Syria, Lybia, and Egypt, have all (or almost all) came from the middle east, and are not considered as part of the africans nations like Nigeria or Congo.

It's like Ukraine. They're on the fence, geographicly speaking, beetween being in europe or not, so we don't call this country a european country. We just call it ukraine.
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asdfasdf: @Froggy: Yeah I guess you're right.
Anon still jumped the gun with a stupid-ass comment though.
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Violater: @asdfasdf: Here's the thing you gotta learn about Anons. 98% of them are dickless wonders who feel safe to say anything and don't even have the balls to make a real account to put a name to their idiocy hence every Anon pretty much by defualt might as well be called the virus of rule34 :)
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Froggy: @asdfasdf: Indeed
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majestic_117: SHUT UP AND FAP
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Anonymous6: @Froggy: Everything up to the Ural Mountain is Europe, so Ukraine is, in fact, an European country.
@Violater: I hope you realize that having an account here makes little difference if you are a shitposter, and there are people with accounts that write bullshit anyway.
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Anonymous7: @asdfasdf: WE
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USAgent: >Egypt is in Africa
>No, she isn't African

top kek
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Mercen: She can't be attractive if she isn't white dude. You must be some kind of SJW if you disagree.
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Anonymous8: Shitposting aside, using actual clips from the game actually bumped this from a "good SFM" to a great one. It always bugs me when people use sounds, but it's some random pornstar that doesn't fit at all.
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Violater: @Anonymous: At least those with a name have more balls is my point. Hiding behind the anon title is pretty cowardly cuz then they'll just come back and pretend they weren't that guy to avoid scrutiny lol
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shimmieya: Wish people used her original old skin more.