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JackNicholson: A Niggér?
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asdfasdf: @JackNicholson: Imagine the self loathing you need to subject yourself to something you evidently hate every day
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Mageta: @asdfasdf: a sasufag?
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Anonymous1: @asdfasdf: hes simply clicking on an image on the front page and typing niiger waiting for white cucks like you to rage its hilarious. Its ok you worship niiggers dont cry m80
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Anonymous2: @asdfasdf: keep worshiping niigger and their cocks and telling all constantly telling ur friends ur not racist over and over "because you let niigggers fuck ur gf" because heaven forbid you get called racist. I bet u also say things like " why do nice guuis alwasy finish last" must suck to be you pussy boi
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Anonymous3: @Mageta: Looking at mageta recent post history, he is indeed a white male obsessed with blacks and their penises. He Thinks its ok to use words like fagg0t at the same time getting mad at someone for saying niigger.. Huge moron detected. You should just come out of the closet mate
Must suck to be some beta white cuck that praises niiggers....
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Anonymous4: @asdfasdf: the fact you're worked up over a one worded comment just shows how fucking braindead you are....
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asdfasdf: @Anonymous: ????
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asdfasdf: @Anonymous: I'm just very confused why someone would only come to this site to post on things that they evidently don't like. It'd kind of be like hating spinach but then going out to eat spinach every day.
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deathhand: While I'm sure this stream is done with I'd just like to point out that Anthony Higgs, a character of the series, is indeed black and is who that is supposed to be. A marine with the Galactic Federation.
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asfd121: @asdfasdf: Im very confused as to how you still think like a child. The comment section is for opinions good or bad, you braindead fagg0t. Im very confused as to why someone would even bother to respond to the ones he doesnt like... See what I did there?? Go back to worshipping nigg ers
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asfd121: "Im just very confused why someone would only come to this site to post on things that they evidently don't like" Im also very confused why someone would only come to this post to reply to a comment he evidently doesnt like
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asfd121: @asdfasdf: "Im just very confused why someone would only come to this site to post on things that they evidently don't like" Im also very confused why someone would only come to this post to reply to a comment he evidently doesnt like
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Anonymous5: asdfasdf another scrony beta cuck that worships ni ggers. Probably asks things constantly like "why do nice guys finish last" etc