Fuchur: I did draw this though. Back in 2010. (Which is why I don't want to be associated with it. I am not happy with this piece anymore.)
This picture is how I got my nickname.
I kind of want to remake this.
Or at least draw more of Moon Child. And of the other girls from Michael Ende's books. Like Momo or Princess Li Si... Damn. So much work to do. So little time.
hung99: @Fuchur: You should still be very proud even tho its old its got a lot of love on 34 and i hope you do more on The Neverending Story cuz that would be very hot.
Fuchur: @hung99: Yes, I'd like to. Got any ideas?
Someone mentioned something about "Moonchild being gangbanged by Artax and Gmork" over at PaheaI. So ... I don't know. Maybe that's what's up next then.
Scrubs: @Fuchur: Oh.. well, I was going by your denial over at pa-heal. Now we know why, but holy hell Fuchur, this is what you call "inferior work"?! O_o It's the most realistic of all your drawings(at least that I've seen), the likenesses are excellent, my only complaint is the kid. I'd rather focus on the girl. Anyway, I've heard of perfectionist artists tormenting themselves, but geez, give yourself a break.
I take it you're responsible for this one too? >>18719
Fuchur: @Scrubs:
>I take it you're responsible for this one too?
It was great fun posting this on 4chan /i/ the day after the live event and watching the thread go crazy. Sigh. Back then you could still post lolis there and no SJW mod would delete them... (But let's not talk about that here.)
hung99: @hung99: not at the moment i haven't seen the movie like forever might need to catch up on it and get back to you but Scrubs is right it very realistic looking as far as >>18719 it's also beyond epic as well did you do another one i heard something about a the girl giveing a hand job to a koala on 34 if you have any old work you have not posted we all really like to see it.
Nymousano: @Fuchur: How about Bastian with the "Wildweibchen"* from the book?
* I didn´t find an accurate english translation; wordly translated it would be "wild female", or something like that. Anyone here who owns an english version of the book "The Neverending Story"?
Fuchur: @Nymousano:Here's a passage from the English version of the book describing the Wildweibchen aka blondycat:
"The blondycat had a catlike face and long golden-blond curls that clothed her like a coat.
Her whole body was covered with equally blond shaggy fur. She was no bigger than a five-year-old
I see the potential here, no doubt.
Anonymous1: Did you do the art for Unteralterbach? That's the best game I've ever seen! As to new works based on Michael Ende, Momo would be much appreciated, I was kinda in love with her when I read the book as a child :-)
Fuchur: @Anonymous: >Did you do the art for Unteralterbach?
I hope I can draw more pictures of Ende's characters soon. Any ideas for Momo? And did you also watch the movie adaption starring Radost Bokel? Ende liked it a lot.
Nymousano: @Fuchur: Wow; didn´t know you are responsible for the Unteralterbach images! 0.0
As for Momo: I totally fell in love with Radost as I saw the movie when I was thirteen! ^^ Maybe you could do something with her and the other children from the movie, or with Kassiopeia nibbling on her nipples or her clitoris.
Anonymous2: Dear Fuchur im only here to say thanks for the good job in Unteralterbach game i really apreciate your efforts
pd: im not a pedo, i just like the good art, not kidding.
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This picture is how I got my nickname.
I kind of want to remake this.
Or at least draw more of Moon Child. And of the other girls from Michael Ende's books. Like Momo or Princess Li Si... Damn. So much work to do. So little time.
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Someone mentioned something about "Moonchild being gangbanged by Artax and Gmork" over at PaheaI. So ... I don't know. Maybe that's what's up next then.
I take it you're responsible for this one too? >>18719
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>I take it you're responsible for this one too?
It was great fun posting this on 4chan /i/ the day after the live event and watching the thread go crazy. Sigh. Back then you could still post lolis there and no SJW mod would delete them... (But let's not talk about that here.)
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* I didn´t find an accurate english translation; wordly translated it would be "wild female", or something like that. Anyone here who owns an english version of the book "The Neverending Story"?
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"The blondycat had a catlike face and long golden-blond curls that clothed her like a coat.
Her whole body was covered with equally blond shaggy fur. She was no bigger than a five-year-old
I see the potential here, no doubt.
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I hope I can draw more pictures of Ende's characters soon. Any ideas for Momo? And did you also watch the movie adaption starring Radost Bokel? Ende liked it a lot.
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As for Momo: I totally fell in love with Radost as I saw the movie when I was thirteen! ^^ Maybe you could do something with her and the other children from the movie, or with Kassiopeia nibbling on her nipples or her clitoris.
pd: im not a pedo, i just like the good art, not kidding.