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letum: fuckin hell the model from the 2nd game is so scary looking
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majestic_117: It begins ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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LemmeIn: fucking funny how dudes in full tactical gear are demolishing bitches who weigh less than 50 kilos.
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Anonymous1: @LemmeIn: Safty first, bro
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Anonymous2: Safety* Goddamnit
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LemmeIn: @Anonymous: safety is covering his ass and cracking her skull with a night stick then throw her off the roof.
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Anonymous3: @LemmeIn:
So edgy
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LemmeIn: @Anonymous: night sticks dont have any edges nor are they sharp
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LemmeIn: @Anonymous: unless youre talking about the edge of the roof her raped dead ass is thrown over. please clarify
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Anonymous4: @LemmeIn: Are you just trying to be shocking and edgy or are you legitimately one of those wackos who can get off only on violence and guro shit?

I mean.. not judging, I guess. Just wondering.
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pronbobster: @Anonymous:
He's a fucking basement psychopath, just judging from all of his comments.
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Colonel_Mael_Radec: We need more Catalyst Faith.
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LemmeIn: @Anonymous: i dont know what i am but seeing a 3D bitch with injuries is the my kind of thing but a death is the best. im not dangerous i just love seeing 3D torture and death because you can always restart/reset/reanimate them back to life.
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Adieu: Can anyone upload the new Faith animation Unidentified did? I tried and couldn't.