Anonymous5: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: why are you taking everything so literally like a dumbass. Do you question people that call other people faggots whether or not they know if the person they called a faggot likes sucking dick? Stop being a moron kiddo. You're obviously butthurt because you worships apes and you're just trying to find any way to insult someone
Anonymous7: @Anonymous: yes im butthurt, says the one that originally responded to comments not even talking to him and then replied to me calling me faggot.. the projection is too strong. How do you even get this mad on a cartoon porn site lul
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: like what you just wrote completely applies to you and how you took the troll comments seriously. How can you even be this delusional?
Anonymous9: @Anonymous: That doesn't make them any less stupid for using "faggot" incorrectly. Much like their misuse of cuck. Oh, you're one of those morons who thinks that multiple intentionally being stupid means its "ok". Way to follow the flock there, kid.
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