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Uploader 3Dandy,
Tags 3D 3Dandy Animated Princess_Zelda Source_Filmmaker The_Legend_of_Zelda
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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Kill_all_Jigaboos: the guys is rotten.
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tuaraag: Hell ya, this is real porn, not no tiny cock whiteboy shit
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Anonymous1: @tuaraag Nah its cuck shit, and your a huge cuck so ofc you like it.
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xstrike: great animation and actors!
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crixxus21: shocked to see tuaraag still goign at it
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: How's it "cuckolding" if Zelda isn't even dating anyone? There's also no one else in the scene. You "cuck callers" are complete idiots. Especially because you think you're being "witty". It's hilarious.
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Anonymous3: if you're white and masturbating to this thats pretty sad fucking beta cucks that worship monkeys
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: if you're too stupid to get the cuck comments gg. Maybe when you turn 16 youll understand? I dont know
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: The cuck comments don't make any sense. I...don't subscribe to the stupid trend that "Trendy Idiot Sheep" follow, where they intentionally misuse words "for teh lulz".

Maybe when you turn OLDER than 16 you'll understand? I dont know.
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: the cuck comments actually do make sense but you're fucking retarded. Do you ask the person that called someone a faggot whether or not they know if that person they called a faggot sucks dick? Do you ask people that call other people retards, "how do you know hes retarded" ?
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: I'M retarded but you're deliberately misusing words, despite knowing that it's incorrect. LOL! Ok, kiddo. Follow the "Meme Crowd" more, like a good little idiot.
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: and you saying things like "trendy idiot sheep" and "for teh lulz" makes it look like your some 15 yearold from 4ch that lives in his own little world and thinks hes a special little snowflake
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: "follow the meme crowd" you definitely come off as some 15 yearold that thinks hes super special. Please stop
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: I was pretty BLATANTLY mocking you and your low-functioning nature in slowpoke terms that you'd understand. But even "that" was too much for you to grasp, apparently.
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Anonymous11: Yes, I can see the quotes. Again, you come off as a 15 yearold from 4ch that thinks hes a unique snowflake because he shits on and doesnt following memes.... Congratulations you're so unique
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3Dandy: Whew. Never knew some people out there took pixel girls so seriously. And that's saying something coming from a weeaboo like me.

Cmon now. Keep your insecurities (or whatever the fuck this is that im reading) on a private display eh? Have some at least a bit of shame.
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Anonymous12: @3Dandy: judging an image = insecure? WOW! so smart. Because people dont like what I like, they're insecure!
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Anonymous13: @Anonymous: Whether you can see the quotes isn't in question, what's obvious is that you can't understand their purpose. Despite your claim to the contrary. The more and more you type, the more and more mad/"butt-hurt" you look.

And 15 year olds and younger (both physically and mentally) are the main ones who FOLLOW memes. Because they flock to like-minded idiots. So please continue. Amuse me some more. "Tell me off" again. I need a laugh.
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Anonymous14: @3Dandy: "Muh shattered whyte pride! Muh bruised whyte self image! Gotta uh...cleverly...mask it with teh wurd cuck! And other...clever worded...BS lines. Dat'll teach em!"

Hahahaha! Keep up the good work, 3Dandy. These silly and stupid fucks are a laugh riot. They've been complaining for years, but they've been completely ineffective in stopping the flow of this sort of thing. They're swimming upstream but are too stupid to realize that they're not getting anywhere.
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous: I dont think your reading comprehension is very good. I will say it again. You come off as the typical 15 year old from 4chan who thinks hes so superior/special because he hates on memes (especially mainstream ones) and people that have different tastes than him. You just look fucking retarded at this point. You also keep talking about this flocking nonsense aswell... Yeah, I heard you. You are super special and smart and whatever else your mother likes to tell you
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Anonymous16: @Anonymous: It's very good, you're just not saying anything of substance. And I've already explained why your "You're from 4chan logic" doesn't fly. Try developing your OWN reading comprehension. Instead of projecting your own failings on to others.
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Anonymous17: @Anonymous: sigh, you're just the average delusional 15 year old from 4ch and I have fallen prey to you. You didnt do anything about my 4chan opinion I made about you other than give another opinion saying "
And 15 year olds and younger (both physically and mentally) are the main ones who FOLLOW memes". You really come off like your 15.. what are you going to do next brag about how mature you are ?
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3Dandy: @Anonymous: Alright look. I know youre bored as fuck and that's why as of recent you've been going around on a bunch of animations and doing this stupid shit.

Just not on my posts eh? Starting to be a bit (very) excessive. And a tiny pinch of cringe worthy.

@Anonymous: Appreciated mate. Just don't feed the monkeys too much.
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Anonymous18: @3Dandy: Yes, Im sure were all bored as fuck why else would you be on this site? Im sorry you like black cocks. I will respect your cuck life style
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Anonymous19: @3Dandy: Except....that 15 year olds and dumb adults of that low mental caliber are known for following a flock. Not "hating memes". You really ARE an amusing idiot.
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Anonymous20: @Anonymous: What was meant for the anon, not Dandy.
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3Dandy: @Anonymous: Thanks mate.

SO. Now that's that's settled...
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Anonymous21: @Anonymous: Why are you hyperfocusing on the cock so much? I think it's time for you to come out of the closet.
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Anonymous22: @Anonymous: yes, you're so smart and people that like different things than you are so dumb. I mean, you are just so intelligent arguing on a cartoon porn website. Wow,just wow. I wish I could be as smart as you feelsbadman
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Anonymous23: @Anonymous: Even if he DIDN'T do it, it still wouldn't mean he's a "cuck" KNOW he did a white version too, right? You need to stop paying so much attention to the dicks.
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Anonymous24: @Anonymous: Sarcasm is a poor attempt at a rebuttal. It's just posturing and trying to hide that you have nothing left in your arsenal. Too bad. You peaked early.
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Anonymous25: @Anonymous: Why would I want to pay less attention to the dicks? Im bisexual. If he wants to life of the cuck though, I guess ill except it.... And another question. Why bother making a black render unless you're trying to appeal to people that like black cocks as much as you do?? are you a cuck like the animator ??
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Anonymous26: @Anonymous: You didnt even do anything but state a bunch of opinions the whole time So theres not point for a rebuttal
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Anonymous27: @Anonymous: So now you're strawmanning and projecting your own insecurities on to someone else. If it bothers you that much, then do what NORMAL functioning adults do and click the back arrow. Clicking the thumbnail of what you clearly don't like, just so you can be outraged, is what morons do.

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3Dandy: Alright since were at it. Lets just go for some sort of fucking record. LES GO BOYS!
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Anonymous28: @Anonymous: You are clearly outraged at my comments. So i can say the same thing as you. Why not just "click the back arrow" why bother responding. I mean you are just so mature and smart arguing with someone on a cartoon porn website. How can i be as smart and as mature as you ????
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Anonymous29: @Anonymous: "I have nothing left to say so, MAAAAAD BROOOO~!"

The difference between the two of us is that I clicked this because I don't have a problem with black dicks. It's no different than any other dick. You were the moron who clicked what he didn't like, just so he could be upset. Instead of bypassing it like a rational and mentally healthy person would do.
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Anonymous30: @Anonymous: You arent saying anything other than what you repeated earlier... and how do you know I clicked on what I didnt like or why I clicked on this?. Yes you are so rational and mentally healthy. The self proclaimed genius arguing on a cartoon porn website please how can I be as smart as you and as mentally healthy.. lel
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Anonymous31: @Anonymous: Yes we know you have a fascination with black cocks. You dont have to tell us
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Anonymous32: @Anonymous: Well since you clicked the thumbnail link to this, to poo-fling with "cuck" as a pejorative, I'm pretty sure that means you don't like it. And even if you didn't click a thumbnail, and clicked a URL, you still stuck around long enough to complain. Instead of leaving. Which normal people do. The rest of your post was just irrelevant posturing and empty sarcasm.

And I'm not "really" arguing, as that would imply that you're presenting a statement of substance. I'm moreso just clowning you, because you're a complete joke.
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Anonymous33: @Anonymous: "Not having a problem = Fascination".

Someone can't think in non-binary terms. What a moron. LOL!
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Anonymous34: @Anonymous: "you still stuck around long enough to complain. Instead of leaving. Which normal people do" You have been complaining about me for the last 20 minutes. So, are you not normal as well? and you've been doing the exact same thing as well for 20 minutes. Just throwing out insults. You havent done anything different but of course you're in your own little world and clearly upset. Also I didnt click a link or a thumbnail I actually saw A comment in the "view all comments section" and then clicked add comment not seeing anything before hand
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Anonymous35: @Anonymous: Does this faggot actually think he's clever or something? Is this what trolling has de-evolved in to? HAH! Pitiful.
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Anonymous36: Anonymous34: @Anonymous32: Then watched as a self proclaimed mentally healthy / rational very intelligent fellow argued and argued on a cartoon porn website for 20 mminutes about how he likes black cocks gg
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Anonymous37: @Anonymous: THAT METHOD STILL HAS A LINK, MORON!

You can't even bullshit properly without sounding completely dumb. Hahahaha!
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Anonymous38: @Anonymous: I didn't read anywhere where he said he "liked" them. He just said that they're pretty much "whatever" to him. You're conflating two different things. You're dumb.
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Anonymous39: @Anonymous: Translation: "U MAD BRO?"

Is that all you can say?
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Anonymous40: @Anonymous: hmm try it yourself go to view all recent comments and scroll. You can see an "add comment button" below which then takes you to this post if you click it. I didnt see what the picture was until I got here. Either way you said "you still stuck around long enough to complain. Instead of leaving. Which normal people do". So you have been here 20 minutes complaining about me as well so are you not normal? How can I be as mature and intelligent as you ???
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Anonymous41: @Anonymous: You havent said anything of substance either. You just keep saying "dumb" "moron" and "is that all you can say" for the last 5 minutes
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Anonymous42: @Anonymous: randomly insulting hmmm smells like samfaging. Wow, what a rational and mentally healthy adult!
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Anonymous43: @Anonymous: The paranoia is strong with you.
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Anonymous44: @Anonymous: its just to obvious with the random insult thrown in there try again next time bro
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Anonymous45: @Anonymous:

If you're talking about the "comments"header at the very top of the page, then also shows the pics/anim's thumbnail. So you're lying, and you knew what you were getting in to.

And once again, since you're kinda slow, the difference is that I don't have a problem with the dick in the animation. It's a non-issue. It doesn't take anything away from the animation. Which I like. Which is 1st and foremost the POINT of being in this comment's thread. You're here just to be hilariously dumb (uh-oh...mean words as a copout from you again) and complain. Which has disqualified you multiple times over from remotely being taken seriously. I'm just having fun with you, while I'm in the comment's section of an animation that I like.
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Anonymous46: @Anonymous: So anyone who insults you, is a "samefag"? That's both delusion AND paranoia now.
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Anonymous47: @Anonymous: ^ This!

Keep it up Dandy. These whiny idiots are just too funny. Especially the "concern trolling" ones.
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3Dandy: Lets be real. Hes only paranoid of samefagging because he samefags himself. That much should be obvious.

(dont mind me)
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Anonymous48: @3Dandy: I just read through the thread a bit, and I'm starting to see this, myself.
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Anonymous49: @3Dandy: 3dcuck at it again go worship some more black cock lel
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Anonymous50: @Anonymous: nice paragraph how mad are you to respond with that much bullshit? and also thats not what hes talking about. plus I think you missed the point of the post kiddo maybe you should reread. Instead of being mad and worshipping niggrs at all costs
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Anonymous51: @Anonymous: I have actually read through the posts and they both just shot insults back and forth. None of them presented any substance. Its clear you are just nut hugging the nigg ger lover. In other words you're being bias. Just stop its ok you're some scrony white cuck that worships nigs, enjoy your life :D
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Anonymous52: @Anonymous: Looking through the posts you just samefag and just call people "dumb" .. When you're doing the exact same thing. You're the epitome of a delusional fucktard
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Anonymous53: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: @Anonymous:

Samefagging like a champ.
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ifuckwowsluts2: love to fuck her
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Anonymous54: Two retards arguing one of which is obsessed with black cocks lawl
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Anonymous55: look at these Trump supporters just like him, they dont have the temperament lawl!
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DrPavel: @Anonymous:
The wall just got 10 ft higher.
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Onmosis: This site makes me want to kill myself i swear, i'm gonna fucking do it i swear, i'm going to tie a rope around my dick, and jump off the Empire State, after tying it to the fucking building.
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Onmosis: It's time to stop, it's time to stop OK, NO MORE
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Vertch: kreamu's old name