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Tags 3D Animated Lucario_(Pokémon) Metroid Pokemon Samus_Aran Source_Filmmaker yamimarik1994
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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Anonymous1: i would like to see samus...
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crixxus21: HOMO
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Hhhh: female pov in straight sex is homo? someone's awfully uncomfortable with their sexuality if they are unable to tolerate a female view of hetero sex. if you wanted to insult the work, furfag would be more applicable.
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Anonymous2: @Hhhh: yeah if you enjoy this you definitely have some homosexual tendencies. Denying it just shows much denial you are in Hhhh.. all you can see if mostly the male fucking you pretty much. You trying to play around this is the sad part... Just stop beating around the bush and come out of the closet already fagg0t
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Anonymous3: @Hhhh: you're the only one that is "uncomfortable with their sexuality " trying to defend this kiddo. Just come out of the closet already theres not reason to be ashamed. YOU dont need to dance around trying your hardest to make this video seem "straight". its ok you're a faggt
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Anonymous4: video is for faggots
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Anonymous5: hes calling us insecure because we dont want to watch a male pokemon essentially fuck us.. This guy is trying awfully hard to convince people its not gay. I wonder why? Possibly because you are some faggot in denial and trying to convince yourself you're not a faggot?
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Hhhh: Never said I liked it. the love-y dove-y stuff this tries to portray feels too forced and I don't like the camera angle. it doesn't make the piece homosexual, it's just a viewpoint typically reserved for porn targeted at women. it's still hetero porn even if it you don't like it. it still took someone a week to make and they did well with actual animation quality even if you don't like it. simply posting things like "faggot shit" or "HOMO" is both false and not really contributing anything. my only gripes with it are voiced by anon 1, needs more visibility of samus for it to cater to my tastes. but that's personal preference and artists have full control over the end product. they can do whatever the fuck they want admire the art and possibly lose the boner, then move on.
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Hhhh: also 3 4 and 5 sure do feel samefag-y. gj.
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Anonymous6: @Hhhh: yeah a male is fucking you and you are watching him fuck you its pretty fucking gay only a faggot like yourself would be into this. You must be in real denial sorry
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: hhhh was probably like wow this is hot this male pokemon who i can only see pretty much is drilling me but i see boobs also so its totally not gay... and then everyone that isnt a faggot points out how this is the gayest think theyve seen in a while and then Hhhh gets defensive and tries to convince everyone h e isnt a faggot by writing paragraphs /thread
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Anonymous8: @Hhhh: its ok m8 ur a faggot just come out of the closet already instead of writing paragraphs this video is for fags lel
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Anonymous9: sigh more homo shit
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Anonymous10: here is a comment on his tumblr that someone left regarding this animation "Uh...I love the video of Lucario you made. I...I feel like my heart is beating like crazy and wanting him bad. Please do more someday." again this is for faggots.. tfw not a faggot like hhhhh enjoy ur loose asshole faggot
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Hhhh: so bent out of shape he's multi posting and waiting for replies. that's great.
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Anonymous11: @Hhhh

Hey man, I don't have a problem with it, I'm not judging. Whether or not your gay is no skin off my nose, and everybody needs some good spank bank material. But c'mon man, this is pretty gay. I don't want to imagine myself as a woman takin a dick. That's not the kind of porn straight folks want.
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Hhhh: that's not what i'm saying. I'm saying this IS hetero porn by definition. it's just female-oriented hetero porn, hence not my type.
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Anonymous12: Female POV!?? That's the last straw, I'm voting Trump.
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NightmareChild: @Anonymous: Hm, sounds like a woman posting.
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Anonymous13: ha, gayyyy
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Anonymous14: @NightmareChild: it wasnt I followed up and actually messed the poster who posted that comment on tumblr since it wasnt anonimous and it was indeed a male. What straight male would masturbate to this?? you're getting fucked by a male pokemon and that is about al;l you can see. Just come out of the closet faggot
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Anonymous15: @Hhhh: no its still gay just like you
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Anonymous16: ....Have none of you considered that this could be for females? Cause girls watch porn...
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Anonymous17: @Anonymous: yes because they like getting fucked by males. Again, if you are male watching this you are a faggot
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Anonymous18: Fuck you I cant jerk off to this I can jerk off to anything you watch me dad I am the master of my own dick