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sokumotanaka: In b4 people complaing about this despite the abillity not to click on this if they don't like it.
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Valwin80: @sokumotanaka: inb4 spamming the same comment, nig
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dexz: then don't click on you cuck loving fucktard
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Anonymous1: @dexz Worships "bbc" like the cuck he is then calls others cucks, you fail cuck you fail.
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MisterM: Not married, no boyfriend, not cuck.
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PragueBob: rape
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anonculiado: Cuck garbage kys
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Anonymous2: @Valwin80: Inb4 failed attempt at a passive-aggressive coping mechanism, to deal with your own hilarious inferiority complex.
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: This person is actually going to at least 10 different posts and posting the same thing. Not only does this show how insecure and weak he is and shows he cant think for himself and hes just parroting things that he heard before, for example "passive-aggressive coping mechanism" but also shows he how really has no life... Like he is so upset on a cartoon porn website... It seems he really likes black men as well judging by all the posts hes going to and really wants their cock. Definitely a closet homosexual or maybe hes open about it idk