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Danksaw: Awesome! been awhile since ive seen a good Cortana animation
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Anonymous1: why did he even add a black character was this cuck like, ohhh geez i dont want 2 b called wacist oh noes im not wacist let me add niggr. fucking white beta cucks smh
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Anonymous2: where is the black women? only black dudes everywhere zzzz
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Revan-: @Anonymous: nice meme
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: Bigger = Better
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous3 Thats why the white guy is doing the penetrating.
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: whats bigger? the nig? Dont think so get out of your delusions dipshit . tiny dick apes living in a fantasy world
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Dakushna: injected with hipsterism
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous Hes seen porn with big cock black men so he thinks all black men are like the select few they take specifically for having big cocks for porn. For the record the biggest cock recorded belongs to a white man look it up if you want.
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Anonymous7: not racist it just puts me off, no idea why
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: fuck you're a pussy also not wanting to see or being attracted to blacks in porn isnt racism you fucking beta cuck white bitch "i-im not wwacsit guise" lmao beta
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Anonymous9: Can't fap cause looking at color of dick = u r homosexual
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: rather be homosexual than a nigg er any day count me in
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SidneyGWeaver: @Anonymous: homo is better than nigaz
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: wait... closeted insecure homosexual. Now you can't admit it, else you lose your closeting. Intellectual checkmate right dur
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NEB: great stuff
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Anonymous12: tfw not some gross shit skinned ashy nigg er that speaks broken english Feelsgoodman
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Anonymous13: @Anonymous: I dont think you know what insecure means...
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Anonymous14: I love the beta cucks that worship nigg ers.. If you dont like something they do = insecure .. lmao at that IQ.
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous: Sure I do. If you get all butthurt because some artist put a male you can't identify with in your porn, it means you're insecure. Or a closeted fag who pays too much attention to dicks.
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Anonymous16: @Anonymous: I dont think you know what insecure means.. Also you are the one that comes off insecure making fun of someone for being a homosexual and using the word "faggot" you are literally doing exactly what he did. But its clear you have a double standard and worship nigg ers. That IQ though lmao
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Anonymous17: @Anonymous: As I understand it, being insecure means lacking self-assurance/confidence. Such people are likely to get angry if a character they see as "threatening" intrudes in a fantasy (porn). My insinuation of homosexuality was obvious provocation. There are no big race issues in my country, watching Americans get angry over these things is... Exotic. But now you got all psychological and ruined my trolling, shame on you.
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Anonymous18: @Anonymous: How do you now they feel threatened? Now you're just making assumptions. By your logic so far, hating something = lack of self confidence which is pretty fail... Theres no reason for you to be this upset on a cartoon porn website. I see you going to many other different animations insulting people etc. You seem really weak and you obviously have some type of issue in your daily life making you act this pathetic. Its ok you like black cocks. Not everyone likes what you like, ok.. No one will make fun of you for being gay
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Anonymous19: @Anonymous: Sad thing is its clear you're lost in your own little world which you worship niggrs in. The best part is you are only attacking people that are saying things towards worthless nigs while ignoring and using homophobic words such as faggot. Why not go on the other posts that only have penises and insult the people that are calling other "fags" or the posts that have nigs trying to insult whites? I know the answer to this. You are a typical self loathing white cuck with a double standard that worships niggrs. Im done responding after this. Why not just go out and get some black cock since you like it so much? be careful they dont steal from you though
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Anonymous20: @Anonymous: literally just going to posts after post defending the nigg ers he so craves and worships. While using homophobic language and ignoring all the other hate speech. How sad....
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Anonymous21: @Anonymous: Well, there's been another example of insecurity-fueled anger recently: the Overwatch victory pose controversy. Also, imagine that you have a 1" dick, abundant rolls of fat, no sex life, and went through high school with dumb yet socially competent ni-g-s. Wouldn't you be angry to have them stealing the ladies in porn too?
Of course, some may simply see interracial porn as a symptom of spreading social corruption and be angry at that, but I think the reactions are more visceral than that.
And my last post on this site was 8 months ago, is the user you're referring to an anon as well?
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Anonymous22: And it seems trolling works better when not even trying to make people angry. Go figure.
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waldmeister: lol you people have some serious issues...