Anonymous3: He cemented it on purpose, and stole months of payment from patrons on patreon (of breeding season) to fund its own project. He can fucking die.
Zyurat: Not only did he cement in on purpose, he stole months of patreon money (FROM PEOPLE SUPPPORTING BREEDING SEASON) to fund his own project. He can go fucking die in a fire.
Anonymous4: First of all, the Breeding Season Patreon was to support the development of the game, not a guaranteed finished product, especially given the drama surrounding the project. Second, if you've read anything about the break-up of the game, especially comparing both sides of the story (H-Bomb's side vs. S-purple's side), you'll find that S-purple has a great deal more receipts and evidence to back up his side of the story, plus VanillyCake's (the Breeding Season animator) corroboration whereas H-Bomb threw an unsupported hissy-fit, was the actual person who made off with most of the Breeding Season Patreon money and who stymied the game development for months while collecting funds, and vanished. Breeding Season was dead long before the project imploded and if you take even a cursory glance at all the work the Cloud Meadow team has gotten done in a few short months with far fewer funds, you'd notice it's progressing at a far faster and more promising rate than Breeding Season ever did. Not to say any of this will convince anybody but I thought it was worth giving at least some argumentative balance on a porn forum.
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We just want to fap
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This post was made five years ago and Cloud Meadow is still not playable.