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omgsfm: First Widowmaker animation, go easy on the hate please.
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Anonymous1: @omgsfm: It's pretty good. Only suggestion would be that her legs/feet seem a little stiff. Other than that, great job.
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Anonymous2: @omgsfm: Its preddy gud.
only thing i could add for future work would be the single black frame that flashes when looping the webm.
Nice Job OmgSfm, your doing great
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dpakoh: and another thingi.... emoted face plz.... some u know... pleasure for widow in the studio!
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aryan826: wow not bad
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bigbuddah: Dunno man, seems pretty good
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Violater: Not bad on the first try and you got a pretty good position. Good choice in using widowmaker since she is the hottest thing out right now
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Anonymous3: Very nice animation man, where can I contact you, because I have an offer for a little project ?
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omgsfm: @Anonymous: if you're interested in a commission, you can visit my tumblr page via the source link and check out the commission info
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Anonymous4: @omgsfm I am interested in you designing a couple of animations for an Overwatch NSFW game, not sure if you are interested in that or if your software can convert the animations into something that Unity can use (.fbx or .obj). Let me know if you are interested then we can talk via email.
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Anonymous5: Nice animation, very well done! Definitely needs some more emotion and moaning in your next ones. Some obvious pleasure on the part of the female is always delicious
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omgsfm: @Anonymous: Oh I see, well I only make small scale animations which span no longer than 10seconds so I don't know if I fit the criteria. Besides, I have never used Unity before and I don't know if there's such thing as exporting animation sequences from SFM to Unity. I'm just a SFM porn maker afterall.
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Anonymous6: @omgsfm Don't worry about the Unity I will research this, but first I am going to contact you by email to ask you more specific things about the software you are using.
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debfanlat: its very good but could you please remove the last black frame?