afa23242: @Anonymous: you sound pretty insecure yourself due to the fact you got so hurt over what someone comment on a imageboard grow up and stop projecting
jonhfishie: @thelab12: I mean this porn is clearly for cucks and for insecure ni ggers.. Who else would look at this? Its clearly tying to demean the white character. Also how is the poster you "quoted" projecting? I don't think you understand what projecting is. It's ok you're some white cuck that worships gross ashy nigs and would get his teeth knocked out in real life
Anonymous6: n1ggers are absolute dogshit. How come anyplace solely occupied by them is always trash? How are they native in english but yet speak such poor english?
Anonymous7: so why are there never any versions like this with big white men and small black men btw? I mean I could do it myself since I animate but... I dont see the point? probably because I hate cucking since its retarded, might be worth it just to get cucks and insecure persons mad though?
Anonymous10: white boys calling big black real men insecure? bet every black real men lawling right now and the "BBC myths" are invented by insecure whiny white boys thats the facts :P
Anonymous13: @Anonymous10 If you want actual facts instead of your own fabricated facts, you can go to internet and serch for world records of worlds largest penis if you like and you'll see it belongs to a white man.
Anonymous14: @Anonymous: real black men that have to be on life support from every body else and are running away from their own children,that's real men for sure.
Anonymous18: The amount of rage these (obviously intentional and baiting animations) generate, from whiny white guys never ceases to amaze me. Tears from loser white males is WHY these keep getting made. So keep crying, morons while you keep it alive, because you idiots lack any sort of self-awareness.
Anonymous20: @Anonymous: That's the funniest part. They're the reason these keep getting made: to make fun of how pathetic they are.
I also love the comment about how some porn is "for insecure black guys", when...they're whining at this porn in the first place because they, as white people, have been misrepresented, and it makes them insecure about their junk. Like...seriously, how oblivious ARE you fucking petty idiots...?
Anonymous21: The irony in all this crap is that if you looked at where this 'phallusy'came from and why, you'd find out just how pathetic all the nonsense on both sides really is
Anonymous22: tbh black people are pretty gross they have brown poop colored ashy skin and their face always resembles a monkey rofl and what is that on their head ??? LOL
There can never be too much of her.
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INB4: "U insecure cuck, bro! Me no like truth!"
I also love the comment about how some porn is "for insecure black guys", when...they're whining at this porn in the first place because they, as white people, have been misrepresented, and it makes them insecure about their junk. Like...seriously, how oblivious ARE you fucking petty idiots...?
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