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Uploader UnderCoverFap,
Tags Animated Highschool_of_The_Dead Miyamoto_Rei Sound
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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UnderCoverFap: High School of the Dead, Episode 4 rape scene.

I'm shocked at the lack of High School of the Dead content here. Welp, better fix that.

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chancethegraver: cuz the show sucks
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UnderCoverFap: @chancethegraver: I care for the porn or the act of porn. Boobs. Titties. Butts. That's what's important.
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zombie_with_a_shotgun: Still wating 4 the chapter 31 of high school of the dead mange
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wesker1984: @chancethegraver: Who cares about the quality of a show when all the girls looks hot? You just stupid.
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cammelloilmito2: @UnderCoverFap: wheres thr rape? Lol i dont see any rape
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Anonymous1: What sort of sick fuck watches dubs?
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: smart people watch dubs, why read when you can hear and never miss a second, might as well read manga which is better and more complete.
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Anonymous3: Dubs aren't necessarily better, they're only decent when the voice overs have been directed well. I'd rather read than be subjected to poor voice acting. Unless it's porn, then who cares as long as you get off.