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rugalz: we need a coach version
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WhitePrideWW: This animation is racist, where's Coach ?
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Bubsy: @rugalz: fuck off and die
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Bubsy: @WhitePrideWW: fuck off and die, samefag
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Anonymous1: @rugalz: @WhitePrideWW: A bed's better than a couch. Pretty solid animation, anyway.
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Whatever9999: The fuck is she lookin at? People having sex, esp. women, have their eyes closed, and they don't look like they are watching someone score a winning goal on their home team on the telly.
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bothermenot: @Whatever9999: "People having sex, esp. women, have their eyes closed" ...Pls dont talk virgin
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Anonymous2: @Whatever9999: Hey look a virgin
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Anonymous3: @Whatever9999: must be a shame you're so fucking ugly the girl closes her eyes
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RichTea: @Anonymous: LOL
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Whatever9999: lol dumbasses.
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SkeletalJester: eyes closed is wrong, but maybe having her close her eyes occasionaly when they role back and she bites her lip or something would be nice. As it stands she just looks confused. like "wait shit did I leave the stove on?"
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Btms3: @Whatever9999: you win the Assburger award for the most autistic comment site. Are you going to give an acceptance "REEEEEE!"?
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Anonymous4: Virgins on rule34 calling other people virgins, wow, amazing spectacle.
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aryan826: your a couple years late to the party my dude :D
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dud3br0: @WhitePrideWW: what a fag