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aryan826: i really like these chicks :D
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UnderCoverFap: Jujala, you have done wonders with The Legend of Queen Opala characters with SFM.

The hesitant kissing motion between them was awesome and I love the sound editing.

Keep it up! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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aryan826: fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap
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Anonymous1: Where do you get these models?
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Anonymous2: monster fantasy porn, hell yeahh!!! FAP FAP FAP
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Jujala: @Anonymous: The Opala and Osira models were made by Bangfri and can be found on his tumblr. The Anubis models are from Smite and were ported from XNALara to SFM by me and aren't publicly released (yet).
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maxtor: one of the best pics, if not, THE BEST. Pic in the game. this is the pic that ful converted me to monster dick