Scrubs: Wasn't "Beyond: Two Souls" supposed to be playstation exclusive like "The Last of Us"? Does this mean someone might finally crack Ellie's official model as well? Pretty exciting over all.
Scrubs: I checked on the link to see what progress had been made when I came across THIS from the guy doing the hacking. : (
"What I will do with it.. well I've already gotten tons of requests for a model exporter, so that's what I'm probably NOT going to release XD (just for the plain reason that there are many perverts out there and I think it's illegal)"
"Currently I do not like the idea of releasing a separate model exporter, making it Noesis compatible would be like rewriting my whole project (currently the whole thing consists of over 500 C# files (partly auto generated so I can fill them in later on), and three core files with a total of over 20,000 lines of code.)
The models are split up into pieces, those are split up into pieces, and the contents for those piece-pieces aren't even in the main file, and sometimes pieces from another mesh are found in the same file as another piece, and so forth.... To get to models in the first place requires kind of a set up.
And another reason: I've seen what can happen with game models... and especially because there are naked models in Beyond, I know I will see them back at some places where I'd rather not see them."
Scrubs: Rumor has it "Beyond Two Souls: Remastered" is coming to the Playstation 4 the same way 'The Last Of Us' did. Will this be an opportunity for SFM the way TLOU turned out to be?
oYlihan: Someone already has. I bet you'll first see the 'hunted' model appear on Nexusmods soon. But I'm not sure yet. If it's true, we're able to convert the .nif to other formats. Anyway, I like her 'party' model, and the 'condenser' model also. But this model took an user on Deviantart 4 months. 0_o
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Lotta extra work that needs to be done to make everything look right, like Jodie's blue arms there.
Well, almost no one. *rolls eyes*
Absolutely EPIC..
Oh, and the red dress too! Unbelievable. x )
"What I will do with it.. well I've already gotten tons of requests for a model exporter, so that's what I'm probably NOT going to release XD (just for the plain reason that there are many perverts out there and I think it's illegal)"
"Currently I do not like the idea of releasing a separate model exporter, making it Noesis compatible would be like rewriting my whole project (currently the whole thing consists of over 500 C# files (partly auto generated so I can fill them in later on), and three core files with a total of over 20,000 lines of code.)
The models are split up into pieces, those are split up into pieces, and the contents for those piece-pieces aren't even in the main file, and sometimes pieces from another mesh are found in the same file as another piece, and so forth.... To get to models in the first place requires kind of a set up.
And another reason: I've seen what can happen with game models... and especially because there are naked models in Beyond, I know I will see them back at some places where I'd rather not see them."
Fucking moralfag... >: (
Yay, crisis averted!
Keep your fingers crossed. Personally, I hope we get loli Ellen as well as regular Ellen AND all her little outfits from the game.
Seriously, what the fuck. We managed to get Ellie off of PS4, but not Ellen?!
There's still hope left. Although they're not keen on sharing these models, as these are a representation of real actors.