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Tags 3D Alien(s) Animated Metroid RrostekSFM Samus_Aran Sarah_Bryant Sound Source_Filmmaker
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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aryan826: i like the face humpers
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UnderCoverFap: It really bugs me only men get raped the face-huggers in the Aliens movies.


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lles: the "face" facehugger its not that sexy for me since its "payload" will just turn out to kill this beautiful woman, but the vagina one on the other hand has the womb to incubate with a possible happy ending alien birth
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DemonKnightRaziel: Facehuggers could always take the long way out, not really necessary for them to go through your sternum.
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ThatgirlColdbluu91: @lles: huh, the way u said that was hot lol
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lles: @ThatgirlColdbluu91: lul
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Anonymous1: im jealous of those aliens. I wanna be the one to rape her
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SophieH96x: @aryan826: Shame they arn't real!
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atozed: @UnderCoverFap: As much as in good taste as they will get into, according to the movie production team the fact it's only dudes is deliberate. It was the worst fear they could think of.
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aryan826: soph where you aaaaaaaaat make another acocunt already :)