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Zreem: Finally someone uses the proper shading for BOTW along with the models. Awesome.
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SilentDrake: leave it to Fugtrup to make actual good quality SFM porn
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Shine: Glad to finally see her BotW version in a non-garbage animation. She should should be doing more than just sucking dick though. Her ass is her best feature and deserves to be eaten out or fucked.
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rulhen: Shine shut the fuck up fag
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Shine: @rulhen: Right. The 'fag' would rather see a girl's ass being eaten out of fucked instead of a some guy getting a blowjob where all you see is his dick and her face. Bitch please.
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Anonymous1: @Shine So you're saying you don't like girls faces?
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Shine: I'm saying a girl giving a blowjob alone ain't shit unless you have a dick fetish. And I know the vast majority of y'all do even if you don't want to admit it.
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Shine: And by alone I mean you only see her face and not the rest of her body.
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Anonymous2: @Shine so you're saying if you like blowjobs it's becasue you have a dick fetish?
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Shine: If you'd rather see a girl giving a blowjob than being eaten out or fucked, yeah. Because you'd rather look at a dick than a pussy, same case as the futafags.
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Omega13: @Shine: You know, most people just imagine that's their dick... don't know why people gotta complicate fucking porn.
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Covertman: @Shine:

The fact you come off as so upset about any of this is pretty sad yo. Let people like what they want to like. I think eating ass is gross and futa is kind of odd but I don't put people down for it.
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Anonymous3: Are we seriously having people now that thinks it's gay with straight blowjobs? dear god.
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GetGRAYED: Insecurity complexes have grown in the last year or two. The fragility of some of them is truly a sight to behold. Anything to feel Alpha in a world where your time is limited.
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hatrix: don't feed the troll, kids.
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Anonymous4: and need now urbosa Snu-Snu
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poopmaskyay: @Shine: The models vagina is seriously bad, it is as simple as you can get it. Download the model and see for yourself.
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USAgent: Damn, Fugtrup. Never ceases to remain a top name.
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Anonymous5: fugtrup was good like 4 years ago. this is a pretty average animation at best. luckily theres like 30 artists better