Lizendy: This is done in Blender but I believe it is a DAz3D body. I'm still a bit new to this, I'll take your advice on the proportions and I'll see if there's a problem with the normals on the back.
oYlihan: Are you sure this doesn't look too masculine? I'd like to see this model in the other ones bindpose next to it. It is crucial to compare to source material especially if you want to add bodygroups with the original clothes.
vexenz: Serious question what is the harm in releasing these models to the public? Some really good stuff involving sarah has came from people no one knew about. People complain about her being overused but there's a reason for that. Most of these models are kept private so who else are the "non chosen" going to get their start with?
oYlihan: I already have it. I had conflicted thoughts on whether to release it or not.. cause you know. I will release it anyway.
oYlihan: Masculine isn't the right word. Her shoulder width is just a bit too much, I think. Like I said, if you combine the original model and clip them, you can see how they compare.
oYlihan: Thanks. Going to fix a few things and then I'll make a release again. (Skinning related) bindpose is turned 90 degrees to ground. Can fix this by collapsing the skin and then loading back the envelopes. I can also make bodygroups for multiple clothing variants when I found them all.
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You should get into daz. You can have all the control you'd like.
Will there be a public release?
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When it comes to arms and such.
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Speaking of younger, where's the little loli version. Someone get on that!
Good man, good man.. x )
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