Sign up for a premium account on Subscribestar for AD FREE VIEWING = NO POPS ON ALL DEVICES. Video Title Uploader littleshieh, July 20, 2017; 00:56 Tags 3D Animated Dead_or_Alive Metroid Onagi Samus_Aran Sarah_Bryant Smolsociety Sound Source_Filmmaker Virtua_Fighter Source Locked No Rating Unrated Comments July 20, 2017; 00:59 - Reply littleshieh: ok looks like I did not tag it right and i can't re-tag it. these are the tags. 3D Animated Dead_or_Alive Metroid Onagi Samus_Aran Sarah_Bryant Source_Filmmaker Virtua_Fighter Sound Cafe_Anteiku July 20, 2017; 01:01 - Reply littleshieh: ...or maybe i'm a trusty user yet, fine through O_o July 20, 2017; 01:33 - Reply teradoc: Damn fine, keep up the good work. Would be great if you did some DoA ladies, like Tina Armstrong, Kasumi, or Lisa Hamilton July 20, 2017; 23:12 - Reply Anonymous1: @teradoc: You clearly aren't familiar with who animated this; like 80% of his work is DOA/Ninja Gaiden.
these are the tags.
3D Animated Dead_or_Alive Metroid Onagi Samus_Aran Sarah_Bryant Source_Filmmaker Virtua_Fighter Sound Cafe_Anteiku