General_Butch: i am happy that me doing something, actually giving you some purpose in your life. Even if its only commenting negative and being a shitty existence of human race :)
thatguywho: a six its too low an 8 would be fair for me since its quite a nice animation the only thing that kinda bothers me its the back and forth from smoking to fucking...but other than that its a nice animation good work and wow remember beggars cant be choosers.
Axelite3: Pretty sure as Butch says, he does it because he enjoys the genre, and if peeps ain't interested, you don't have to look at it. He mostly does it for the positive reaction but and negative reaction is nice too. Going to something of his and being negative is exactly what he'd want you to do, so you should probably just have the decency to not fall into a simplistic trap where you reacted to something you didn't like. Besides, why don't you just ask him for non-cuck? He's done that in the past upon request,
Anonymous1: I like it. Hey, Butch. Do Mileena MKX please. And also Countess. We need more Mileena MKX (no mask) in this world. You like interracial, let Jax screw her.
General_Butch: 1.i am not doing this cause i m against white people, its just my fantasy. it was not a priority animation, so it wont look the best.
3.i dont earn money from my animations, and i dont have voice actors
4.i never asked anyone to upload this in this website, hope you all understand
Anonymous2: I don't really mind Butch's tastes anymore, I mean leave a guy to like what he wants. My only issue is that you chose the SPY to be the cuck. That fat black bastard is going to get a knife in his back by a handsome rogue in a nice hat.
Axelite3: Coach is banging Mei because he made a deal with Spy by offering him an unusual. There will be a part 2 where Coach leaves a sex bomb in her.
General_Butch: @LordReplacer did your mom dropped you on your head after birth or something, don't you see what i said before, i never uploaded here or even asked to upload my contents here
lles: Its actually pretty good, just going outside of the "oh shit its interracial cuck bullshit downvote lol" thing that seems to be going on on the site for some reason.
Just two things that kept me from like really enjoying this to its fullest:
First, its the "clapping" sound of flesh hitting each other. Its kinda waaay too loud.
And second, you should get at least two or three more moaning sounds so they dont become obnoxious after 5 seconds.
Lastly, i love that you picked up the new Mei model and kept it close to what it is and didn't make her "fatter" for once :) keep it up dude
Axelite3: @lles: I would like to respectfully disagree that this model is anywhere near her figure. At most it's a mixture between the thicc and this sticc, but never the maximum amount of either.
Anonymous4: @Celwenil: Wait, you're bitching about people making racist comments at content that's already racist to begin with? The fuck are you smoking where that makes any goddamn sense?
@lles: For some reason? Is it really that confusing to you why people wouldn't like pathetic cuckoldry and black supremacy shit?
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- Reply it was not a priority animation, so it wont look the best.
3.i dont earn money from my animations, and i dont have voice actors
4.i never asked anyone to upload this in this website, hope you all understand
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Just two things that kept me from like really enjoying this to its fullest:
First, its the "clapping" sound of flesh hitting each other. Its kinda waaay too loud.
And second, you should get at least two or three more moaning sounds so they dont become obnoxious after 5 seconds.
Lastly, i love that you picked up the new Mei model and kept it close to what it is and didn't make her "fatter" for once :) keep it up dude
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Long, decent animation with quite a lot of angles.
@lles: For some reason? Is it really that confusing to you why people wouldn't like pathetic cuckoldry and black supremacy shit?
Never stop, Butch.
lol @ cucks defending their cuck porn