f34323ss333: rofl why do you even bother making an n igger version. let me guess another dipshit that that is scared people will call him "racist" if he doesnt .... why even waste your time to render two typical white cuck
AryanTEARS: Why do insecure white people waste time clicking an image that they hate, just to bitch about it. Especially when there is an identical white version for you. It's like a child who got candy, but gets mad that everyone else got some too.
Violater: because not all these artits do it just for a commission. Some of your favorite animaters for all you know are black dipshit lmao. Now go back into your hole user of numbers and letters xD
dk219: Also great work on the sound here. Too often does go to either extreme of being so minimal it's barely there or so loud/obnoxious that you just end up muting it. This at least sounds as if the sounds actually belong in the scene.
Anonymous2: @smarty358: You see a lot of that shit. Black supremacists in one breath whining about microaggressions and in the next talking about other people being insecure. It's fucking hilarious.
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